virtual pharmacy fair

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Dec 15, 2008
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Anyone going to the virtual pharmacy fair? Is it useful?

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AACP Virtual Pharmacy School Fair

On Friday October 1, AACP will be hosting a Virtual Pharmacy School Fair for US Pharmacy Schools, so mark your calendars! The cost to participate is just $5 and you will have live access to the nation's pharmacy schools. The fair will be open 9Am-6PM Eastern Standard Time and will also provide pharmacy career information, PCAT information, and most importantly representatives from US Pharmacy Schools. Many of the exhibitors will have video chat capability, so we don't recommend you attending the fair in your pajamas, but you can learn about the schools that you are interested in without leaving the comfort of your home.

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I was thinking about attending as I have only been able to visit 3 campuses and have not spoken to 2 of the colleges I am applying to. I am not sure if the content will be worth the time, but it certainly can't hurt. Has anyone done this before? It looks like this is their 6th or 7th one.
I was thinking about attending as I have only been able to visit 3 campuses and have not spoken to 2 of the colleges I am applying to. I am not sure if the content will be worth the time, but it certainly can't hurt. Has anyone done this before? It looks like this is their 6th or 7th one.

Guess again...this is year one.
I see. I must have been misled by the "1st One" through the "6th One" on the website's main page. Rather confusing unless each one is its own meeting location when the fair actually opens up.
I see. I must have been misled by the "1st One" through the "6th One" on the website's main page. Rather confusing unless each one is its own meeting location when the fair actually opens up.

:rofl: Those renderings... I think someone was just uncreative with naming their stock-like images.
I feel like they are just trying to suck more money from me. Granted, $5 is a pittance compared to the $450 I forked over to PharmCAS, but come on man. When does it end?
I feel like they are just trying to suck more money from me. Granted, $5 is a pittance compared to the $450 I forked over to PharmCAS, but come on man. When does it end?

never! $20 to see your pcat scores early

exorbitantly high tuition and subsidized loans that barely cover anything

deposits in the hundreds and thousands to save your seat

the list goes on :eek:
It's a racket, so is law, so is medicine.

We blew a metric ton of greenbacks on getting Tarryn into law school.

Hopefully not all dollar bills :laugh:. You spent $1,170,000+ getting her into law school? :eek::eek::eek:
Anyone going to the virtual pharmacy fair? Is it useful?

Not sure what it's all about but curiosity got to me so I decided to give in and give them the $5 to check it out. If it helps then great, if not then it's not too great of a loss.
I signed up like 5 times because it kept telling me the information did not go through... only to find that I was billed twice :scared:. Still Im attending today!
I signed up like 5 times because it kept telling me the information did not go through... only to find that I was billed twice :scared:. Still Im attending today!

LOL...sorry. You should definitely try and get the other $5 back.
This thing was amazing... I liked it a lot, there was a lot of truth and positive feedbacks. Some of them were pretty vague on their answers though. Most of the colleges were super helpful!
What kind of info? School specific, general, or both?