Waitlist bittersweet?

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Mar 18, 2025
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Many of us are waiting and praying to get off a waitlist. It is wonderful to get a spot at all, but will coming off the waitlist feel bittersweet because you were not really their first choice and more like an insurance policy?

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There are many more qualified applicants out there than there are spots. It may be easy to feel like you were leftovers or a backup, but if the school truly did not want you, you would have been rejected. A waitlist means that the school feels you can fit in, handle their curriculum, and represent them well, but simply didn’t have the room to squeeze you in.

Hang in there and try to believe in yourself. This process is hard and really tests your self confidence but just being in this position means you’re in good company and that you did a lot of things right.
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I get the feeling. UC Davis hit me with the WL on their first decision date in October and I feel kinda bummed. But I would still love to attend there. It does feel bittersweet because I've attended events at both of the schools I am accepted to, met students, and looked at places to live. For a WL school to swoop in and be like "Sike we want you!" would feel kinda bad considering other schools wanted me more. But, this is the nature of the application cycle. At the end of the day, go to the best school you get into—regardless if it's off the WL or straight up A.
In the end, it doesn't matter. Love the one you're with.

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Many of us are waiting and praying to get off a waitlist. It is wonderful to get a spot at all, but will coming off the waitlist feel bittersweet because you were not really their first choice and more like an insurance policy?
Every decision rendered by an admissions committee is an educated guess. And guessing, however educated, has its limitations.
I get the feeling. UC Davis hit me with the WL on their first decision date in October and I feel kinda bummed. But I would still love to attend there. It does feel bittersweet because I've attended events at both of the schools I am accepted to, met students, and looked at places to live. For a WL school to swoop in and be like "Sike we want you!" would feel kinda bad considering other schools wanted me more. But, this is the nature of the application cycle. At the end of the day, go to the best school you get into—regardless if it's off the WL or straight up A.
This, I truly liked my class a lot and am excited to go through this journey with them, but couldn't help but feel a little guilty about hoping to come off the waitlist somewhere else. OP, nothing changes much until after April 30 when students are forced to release their offers. Until then, I'm going to try my best to not think about anything related to school.
Many of us are waiting and praying to get off a waitlist. It is wonderful to get a spot at all, but will coming off the waitlist feel bittersweet because you were not really their first choice and more like an insurance policy?

I'm married 46 years. My husband told me years ago that he asked someone out before he asked me out.

Couldn't care less.

Seriously, being wait-listed is bittersweet. However, when you get in, you will probably be so elated that you don't have to apply again and that you are going to be a PHYSICIAN! That you won't care either. And if you do care, think about the fact that you are IN! Embrace your future. It's what you've worked very hard for.
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I was pretty stoked and honored just to be on the WL for my alma mater. I was less stoked to get off the WL initially, because I had been fully gearing up to attend a similar school elsewhere in the country, including having already booked tickets to fly out and look for a place to live and I had purchased a new car (see: forum avatar) since I'd need something more reliable for transportation at that other school. But the school I got off of the waitlist at had an even better reputation AND was notably cheaper TCOA, so I quickly came around to accepting their offer.

Only got to drive the GTI for a few months before giving it to my brother. No way I could have afforded parking for it in the new city and didn't need a car there, anyway.