WAMC: 3.6 cGPA, 3.6 sGPA, 499 MCAT

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Sep 8, 2022
Reaction score
  • cGPA: 3.6, sGPA 3.6
  • 499 (C/P: 123, CARS: 126, B/B: 124, and B/S: 126), retake scheduled for July 15th
  • NJ resident
  • ORM, White
  • Montclair State University
  • 10000+ hours, Unsure if I should consider my previous work experience as clinical, 5 years of case management for child/adolescent mental health. I worked in community and with hospital systems, and outpatient providers.
  • No research experience.
  • 40 hours in-person shadowing Psychiatrist, around 10 hours virtual various specialties (not sure if this counts)
  • 2000+ Americorps, health fairs, school supply drives, and suicide awareness community engagement
  • 1500+ Working as support for young man with developmental disabilities to help his engagement and connection to community, year after graduating college I provided companionship and care for my grandmother effected by dementia while actively seeking sustainable and appropriate care solutions.
  • Deans list almost all of undergrad
  • I’m first-generation college graduate. My family was considered low income. Lost both my parents before the age of 18. Struggled with homelessness, but received support from extended family and friends, I just didn’t have a permanent address through undergraduate. Worked, sometimes two jobs, through undergraduate to support myself. I also identify as a gay man, but I’m not sure if admissions committees will care about that information.
More explanation below:

Hi, I'm a non-traditional student who just finished my post-bac (trying to change careers from the social work field to medicine). I'm planning on applying for this cycle, but I just received my MCAT score today. It's a 499. Here's the breakdown: C/P: 123, CARS: 126, B/B: 124, and B/S: 126. I had a sinking feeling that my score would be lower, mainly because three days before the test, I decided to do one more practice test and it scored a 497. A day or two after the initial sitting, I signed up for another MCAT on July 15th. To better prepare this time, I'm on leave from my job to focus on the application process and fully devote myself to studying full time until the new date.

I'm a New Jersey resident and ideally, I want to attend either Rowan Osteopathic School of Medicine or Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. At this point, I'm not sure how to move forward. Should I still attempt to apply to Rowan, or should I use the burner school method for both MD and DO schools until the new score is released? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Here's some other relevant information: GPA: 3.6, sGPA: 3.6 (including post-bac) - I previously earned a dual degree in English and Psychology with a 3.67 GPA. I'm an ORM, but I'm also LGBTQ+ (not sure if schools care about an applicant's sexual orientation, so is it worth mentioning?). Additionally, I'm unsure if I should count my previous job as clinical hours. I worked in children's mental health as a case manager for 5 years and directed treatment. I have 40 hours of shadowing with a psychiatrist and 10 hours of virtual shadowing in multiple specialties (not sure if that counts though). I probably have around 500 volunteer hours, but I need to track them. I was in Americorps for a year and a half but had to leave to care for my grandmother with dementia. Again, I'm not sure if this is relevant, but I'm a first-generation college graduate, come from a low-income household, and both my parents passed away before I was 18. So, I've been supporting myself since then. I can share/DM my personal statement too if that will help anyone provide advice.

Thanks, everyone! I appreciate all of you.

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We need a breakdown of the hours of each of your experiences, aside from shadowing which you have explained. What is your mission-fit or so you believe? It seems you are especially focused on mental health for the undeserved populations so if your PS and secondaries were to elaborate this theme further, it would be very solid.

Having a 499 MCAT will result in you not receiving an II from Rutgers as their average is around a 512, hence not even making the lower quartile range. In general, it would make you unqualified for most, if not all, MD schools due to this low score combined with your relatively not as strong GPA, albeit your GPA is competitive enough for DO. You should aim for a 510+, as many schools nowadays may average your MCAT takes, so getting the 510+ score will aid your endeavors in potentially applying to more schools, especially MD.

As it stands, it would be realistic to apply very broadly to DO schools, especially those that appear to be more “holistic” such as LMU-DCOM, and hopefully you will receive some II’s.
@aquafied Thank you for letting me know to include hours in the breakdown. I've roughly estimated the hours, but they should be within the range I've present. I'm looking for a community oriented school, one that makes it a priority to serve the community in which the school is established. Mental health is definitely a prominent theme. My drive through this process is to eventually become a psychiatrist to better serve my community. My personal statement does does elaborate on this theme, and I'm sure secondaries will as well. I will share the personal statement via PM if needed, and thank you for your suggestions. You are greatly appreciated.
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You are not competitive for any MD schools with a MCAT of 499. You could receive interviews at some DO schools and I suggest these:
PCOM (all schools)
LECOM (all schools)
VCOM (all 4 schools)
Orlando (when it opens)
Most of these schools have MCAT medians in the 498n to 502 range so you should receive interviews. Post your new MCAT score here when available.
@Faha Thank you for the list, and when I receive the new score I will post it. I appreciate your help!
Hey just rooting for you! Was also a social worker who switched to medicine and currently a M3 now. My first score was a 498 and I was pretty devastated but I gave myself more time to study, ended up with a 509 and was accepted to my state MD school. You got this!
@Rapsidy Thank you for the kind words! It's encouraging to hear from other career changing social workers
@aquafied Thank you for letting me know to include hours in the breakdown. I've roughly estimated the hours, but they should be within the range I've present. I'm looking for a community oriented school, one that makes it a priority to serve the community in which the school is established. Mental health is definitely a prominent theme. My drive through this process is to eventually become a psychiatrist to better serve my community. My personal statement does does elaborate on this theme, and I'm sure secondaries will as well. I will share the personal statement via PM if needed, and thank you for your suggestions. You are greatly appreciated.
Obviously, focus on that MCAT score. Then with that stronger score, check out NHSC. I will ask why you wouldn't be interested in a more direct path like clinical psychology, and we have a clinical psych forum.

DO schools are definitely in range.