WAMC: Apply this cycle or next? (AMCAS)

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Mar 25, 2023
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You do not need more shadowing hours. Post your MCAT score here when available and I can suggest schools. Alabama, Utah and McGovern admit few non residents with no connection to the state.
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No issues with hours based on what you describe. I need a little more time to see how your clinical experience ties into your interest in public health. Note that fundraising won't satisfy service orientation.

Are you going for a national scholarship like the Truman?
I just wanted a breakdown of hours here. The exercise should help you fill out the application.

Truman is a national scholarship like the Rhodes or Churchill Scholarship and doesn't have to do with medical school admissions. I was just seeing if you were being helped to apply for it. It gives me a sense if you are the type of applicant the top brand names desire given your stated interest in becoming a physician.