Date of submission: trying to apply within the next few days (roughly 08/12)
Overall GPA: 3.99
Science GPA: 4.0
Bio-Chem-Physics GPA: 4.0
DAT score (include AA and all sections): AA: 25 PA: 24 TS: 25 BIO: 30 GC: 25 OC: 23 RC: 25 QR: 22
State of Residence: CA
Undergrad Attended:
Major: Biology B.S.
Minor: N/A
Minority? No
Reapplicant? No
Nontrad? No
Shadowing Experience: 115 hrs (~75 at GP and the rest split between endo, peds, and omfs)
Volunteering Experience: 110 hrs spent in a few different volunteering positions in a homeless employment organization (helps homeless folks get back on their feet through a yearlong program that prepares them to enter the workforce and attain housing)
Employment: 375 hrs in food service (freshman year) + 850 hrs as a dental assistant with emphasis on staff training and in-house cad/cam design and production
Research: N/A
Other Extracurriculars: 90 hrs board member of school's Pre-Dental Society; ~30 hrs as regular club member in year prior; completion of "Discover Dentistry" six-week online course by the University of Sheffield
Have you volunteered/shadowed/attended events at any dental schools? No
Relevant Honors or Awards: Dean's Honors essentially every quarter
LOR type and strength:
Physics prof that I had for entire 3 quarter series (strong)
Bio prof that I had for 2 separate courses (presumed strong or at least decently positive)
Dentist boss/mentor *UOP alum* (very strong)
Volunteer coordinator (presumed strong or at least decently positive)
Misc Info/Things not stated elsewhere/Red Flags:
I feel like I should apply to at least 9 schools to be safe and have spent HOURS trying to narrow down my OOS choices, but this hasn't yielded any choices I feel super confident about. I don't really have factors that I have a strong conviction about that could massively narrow things down. Any school suggestions would be very much appreciated. Also any insight on likelihood of yield protection? I don't really know where to draw the line when it comes to which schools I shouldn't apply to because they might just auto-reject me and I don't want to throw money away 🙁
My list of factors more or less in order of priority:
1. Love the idea of a 3 yr program hence UOP and Roseman
2. Clinical experience (I'm GP oriented and would only consider specializing after at least a few years in GP)
3. Curriculum that emphasizes competency and isn't too stressful
4. Cost
5. School has modern tech and toys
School list:
UOP (top choice)
UPenn? (seems like only Ivy that won't completely lump me with the med students)
Midwestern University Arizona?
Boston University?
University of Pittsburgh?
University of Utah?
Overall GPA: 3.99
Science GPA: 4.0
Bio-Chem-Physics GPA: 4.0
DAT score (include AA and all sections): AA: 25 PA: 24 TS: 25 BIO: 30 GC: 25 OC: 23 RC: 25 QR: 22
State of Residence: CA
Undergrad Attended:
Major: Biology B.S.
Minor: N/A
Minority? No
Reapplicant? No
Nontrad? No
Shadowing Experience: 115 hrs (~75 at GP and the rest split between endo, peds, and omfs)
Volunteering Experience: 110 hrs spent in a few different volunteering positions in a homeless employment organization (helps homeless folks get back on their feet through a yearlong program that prepares them to enter the workforce and attain housing)
Employment: 375 hrs in food service (freshman year) + 850 hrs as a dental assistant with emphasis on staff training and in-house cad/cam design and production
Research: N/A
Other Extracurriculars: 90 hrs board member of school's Pre-Dental Society; ~30 hrs as regular club member in year prior; completion of "Discover Dentistry" six-week online course by the University of Sheffield
Have you volunteered/shadowed/attended events at any dental schools? No
Relevant Honors or Awards: Dean's Honors essentially every quarter
LOR type and strength:
Physics prof that I had for entire 3 quarter series (strong)
Bio prof that I had for 2 separate courses (presumed strong or at least decently positive)
Dentist boss/mentor *UOP alum* (very strong)
Volunteer coordinator (presumed strong or at least decently positive)
Misc Info/Things not stated elsewhere/Red Flags:
I feel like I should apply to at least 9 schools to be safe and have spent HOURS trying to narrow down my OOS choices, but this hasn't yielded any choices I feel super confident about. I don't really have factors that I have a strong conviction about that could massively narrow things down. Any school suggestions would be very much appreciated. Also any insight on likelihood of yield protection? I don't really know where to draw the line when it comes to which schools I shouldn't apply to because they might just auto-reject me and I don't want to throw money away 🙁
My list of factors more or less in order of priority:
1. Love the idea of a 3 yr program hence UOP and Roseman
2. Clinical experience (I'm GP oriented and would only consider specializing after at least a few years in GP)
3. Curriculum that emphasizes competency and isn't too stressful
4. Cost
5. School has modern tech and toys
School list:
UOP (top choice)
UPenn? (seems like only Ivy that won't completely lump me with the med students)
Midwestern University Arizona?
Boston University?
University of Pittsburgh?
University of Utah?