WAMC TMDSAS applicant-any advice?

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Jul 28, 2024
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I am planning on applying only TMDSAS this cycle and wanted to get some advice. I am an ORM TX resident with 513/3.7 cGPA and sGPA so my stats are mid for matriculants. I know it is almost August and I have yet to complete the first draft of my personal statement. I know there are a few more essays that are in the primary application so I wanted to know if it was even worth my time applying this cycle. Realistically, I do not see myself submitting my primary before mid to late August. I feel pressure to apply because I got all my LORs in but I have barely anything to show for it.

Any help is appreciated!

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Hey what’s keeping you from getting started?
You have 3 big essays to write but your stats are very competitive so I think you should get it ready.

If you can turn in the primary within the next 3 weeks, do it.The only reason to delay until next year would be if you have inadequate extracurricular hours.

Also reflect about the way you are describing this moment in your life - I’m picking up obligation and dread. I hope you feel some excitement about the future?
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Welcome to the forums.

I agree that as far as reading emotions through the internet, your mindset is not enthusiastic about becoming a doctor, period. If you cannot articulate the basic questions on why you want to be a doctor, I would wait until you can answer the questions. You will be asked many more questions that are remarkably more difficult, so if you don't have values or vision to guide you through your future education and training, you are best served to wait. Medical schools aren't going anywhere.
