Technology Web3 in Healthcare

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10+ Year Member
Jul 30, 2013
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Hi everyone!
I'm curious to know what kind of impact you all think Web3 will have on healthcare. Will it have a transformative effect? A mild one? No impact at all?

Here's some of what I imagine will be experimented with over the next 5-10 years: patient owned medical records, the Internet of Medical Things, disintermediating middlemen with smart contracts (i.e. insurance companies, administrators, government), a more fluid reimbursement process with new currency options (i.e. crypto), decentralized patient / clinician organizations, and surely things we can't even imagine right now.

As I've been learning about the space I've come across a group (a "DAO") that's bringing together clinicians, patients, devs, etc to build this new future. It's called Medaverse, and I thought it was interesting enough to share. Seems like more and more of these groups will be popping up. What do you all think?

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