Welcome, purpose, and guidelines

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10+ Year Member
Dec 30, 2012
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On behalf of your moderators (@Guero, @tantacles, and myself), welcome to the LGBTQ subforum!

What this subforum is for: This subforum is dedicated to discussing issues specific to medical school applicants and students who are LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and/or questioning). This is a space to talk about how to represent gender identity and sexual orientation on applications, ask questions about the climate at specific medical schools, discuss whether and how to be out professionally, celebrate accomplishments, troubleshoot challenges, and seek support.

What this subforum is not for:

* Discussion of general LGBTQ topics or political issues that are not related to medicine or medical education.

* Basic questions about LGBTQ identity and communities – please see the Resources threads here and here for educational materials on those topics.

* Conversation about clinical care of LGBTQ patients is welcome, but please keep it to the appropriate thread and avoid discussion of personal medical problems.

Some basic guidelines: The forum will be carefully moderated to ensure that this is a positive and supportive environment.

* Per SDN policy, comments that are homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, racist, or sexist will not be tolerated, nor will personal attacks on other users.

* Please use language that is inclusive and respectful, including appropriate gender pronouns when referring to others. If you have questions about what this entails, feel free to ask a moderator.

* Out of respect for others' privacy and anonymity, please be careful not to out anyone else.

* Comments that disrupt a thread by asking for basic education or questioning the value of LGBTQ-specific discussion space are discouraged, as they derail productive conversation.

If you have any concerns about a post or poster, please use the “Report” button or message the moderators (@Guero, @otterxavier, and @tantacles) right away.

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