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In my opinion, you need more clinical. Otherwise, rock the MCAT.
I am extreamly worried. My gpa was better but a B- in calc 3 and C+ in diff eq brought me down from a 3.6. My goal is to stay in Florida and hopefully FSU. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated

You have very diverse, unique, and [mostly] long-term EC's. That part of your application will make you shine. The trick is to get an AdCom to open your folder and read it. I don't think you'll have a problem doing that - your 3.49 and 3.47 are perfectly acceptable GPAs, especially given your 3.8 post-pac GPA (remember, schools appreciate upward trends!). Focus on doing well on the MCAT and keep up the 6 months of clinic volunteering. Your clinical experience is the weakest thing on your application -- and six months isn't that weak. I think you're in good shape!

Best of luck!