"What else do you want the adcom to know about you?"

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Jul 19, 2007
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When they ask this question in the secondary, what do you generally write about?

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i went with things that were about me, but not necessarily medically-related.

example: i like bowling, so i considered writing about it, how it related to who i was, etc. etc. i didn't go through with this, but hopefully you get the picture.
i was given the advice that you can write about what you are doing this summer, and what you've learned that's related to medicine. i just started my summer activities when i submitted my primary, so i thought i'd give them an update.
When they ask this question in the secondary, what do you generally write about?

Write anything that you haven't mentioned in your AMCAS that would help with your candidacy such as why you would be a good fit, what have you done since you submitted AMCAS, and so forth