What is a good STEP 2 'percentage correct' in UWORLD? Is STEP 2 much easier than STEP 1?

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5+ Year Member
Sep 17, 2017
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Hello - student from the UK here. Our medical question banks are fairly dismal compared to the US offerings (though much cheaper). I took the STEP2 CK practice paper and enjoyed it - I plan to adopt your UWORLD instead. Question quality is comparatively amazing.
I am wondering what is a good percentage score? E.g. for the top 10% of scorers, how many questions would you be dropping out of 100?

I did a quick google search and came across this - USMLE SCORE CORRELATION
I had heard that it is very difficult to get 260+ - so surely the 78% UWORLD correlation seems too low?
Perhaps this table is for STEP1 which I would then presume is much more difficult? Or perhaps many people use UWORLD as a learning tool and this table doesn't take it into account (in which case it is a pretty poor table). Nb: I am very near the end of my studies rather than the beginning.

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UW Questions are notoriously difficult, hence the 78% correlating to a 260+. But, their explanations of the correct and wrong answer choices are second to none. UW scores are tricky and a little tea leaf-ish, as there is a variation in how people do them (to prep for clerkship exams, all during dedicated, completing the questions 1-2 times). Overall, I think it's a great resource and worth the money. Feel free to DM if you have any other questions.
UW Questions are notoriously difficult, hence the 78% correlating to a 260+. But, their explanations of the correct and wrong answer choices are second to none. UW scores are tricky and a little tea leaf-ish, as there is a variation in how people do them (to prep for clerkship exams, all during dedicated, completing the questions 1-2 times). Overall, I think it's a great resource and worth the money. Feel free to DM if you have any other questions.

Thank you - that is very helpful to know. I think I was dealing with a small sample size initially, so scored very highly (hence my query), but since then I have done a few more specimen UWorld questions and indeed some are quite tricky. It probably deserves a subscription.

I appreciate the answer.
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UW Questions are notoriously difficult, hence the 78% correlating to a 260+. But, their explanations of the correct and wrong answer choices are second to none. UW scores are tricky and a little tea leaf-ish, as there is a variation in how people do them (to prep for clerkship exams, all during dedicated, completing the questions 1-2 times). Overall, I think it's a great resource and worth the money. Feel free to DM if you have any other questions.

I very much doubt this correlation holds anymore. I think ~80% correct is probably pretty close to a 250 now? For step 1 at least. There's no way a 78% correlates to 260+ anymore.
imo uworld really doesn't reflect shelf exams well. idk about step 2 tho