What is the level of interaction between PDs and med school deans from the same school?

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Apr 2, 2019
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Basically the title.

Is there any interchange between the two? Say for example, someone pursues IM at school X where the student is enrolled. Is it common for PDs to get in contact with faculty/deans/admissions office from school X to get more info about the student? Or are they totally unrelated with one another?

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I can't say for sure that this never happens, but I would think this would be pretty rare. Generally speaking, people are already overwhelmed reviewing the application materials they already have. They will, of course, review your Dean's Letter but unless there's something particularly strange about your application, I don't think they're going to go calling administrators at your school to learn more.

There might be a better chance of them communicating if the PD and the Dean happen to know each other professionally, like if they went to residency together or have worked in the same department in the past. Even so, I doubt anybody cares so deeply about any one application to really pursue this.
What kind of additional information do you think the dean would be able to provide that isn't already laid out in the MSPE?

I mean, if there's some major red flag on your app but the PD wants to give you a shot anyways because they know you personally, then maybe they would contact the dean to get more info. But in general the info in the MSPE is going to cover about all of what the dean knows.