What Must I Do To Gain Admittance Into Saba? Please Help!

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Confused 20

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15+ Year Member
Apr 16, 2006
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I am very much interested in gaining admission into Saba. I am a Political Science major at a 4-year university and I need two classes in Political Science to complete my degree. I have thus far taken the Biology and General Chemistry prerequisites. My current overall gpa is 3.795(3.826 with grade forgiveness) and my science gpa is 3.710(3.759 with grade forgiveness). Will Saba take into consideration grade forgiveness and look at my gpas of 3.826 and 3.759 or will they view my gpas as 3.759 and 3.710?

What should I do from here on to gain admission into Saba? If I decide to just take the Organic Chemistry prerequisites (and forgo taking Physics and the MCAT because they are not required) and keep my gpas constant, what will be my chances of gaining admittance into Saba?

What would be the best route to follow taking into consideration that I am very old to be pursuing medicine and wish to gain admittance as soon as possible?

Any input on the above questions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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I am very much interested in gaining admission into Saba. I am a Political Science major at a 4-year university and I need two classes in Political Science to complete my degree. I have thus far taken the Biology and General Chemistry prerequisites. My current overall gpa is 3.795(3.826 with grade forgiveness) and my science gpa is 3.710(3.759 with grade forgiveness). Will Saba take into consideration grade forgiveness and look at my gpas of 3.826 and 3.759 or will they view my gpas as 3.759 and 3.710?

What should I do from here on to gain admission into Saba? If I decide to just take the Organic Chemistry prerequisites (and forgo taking Physics and the MCAT because they are not required) and keep my gpas constant, what will be my chances of gaining admittance into Saba?

What would be the best route to follow taking into consideration that I am very old to be pursuing medicine and wish to gain admittance as soon as possible?

Any input on the above questions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

With that GPA, you may want to consider finishing your prerequisites, taking the MCAT, and applying to US allopathic schools. If you have the other things needed for your application (physician shadowing, etc.), I would think you would have a decent shot...
My opinion is with your GPA you should take organic chem and physics, take the MCAT and try for a US medical school. I think you can do it.
There are many good students at Carib schools I am sure, but you must understand the difficulties you will have to go through with getting a residency and then getting licensed, etc. to practice in the US. It is much harder and more time consuming if you are an IMG. I can totally understand the feeling of "just wanting to get through" but you may not save time in the long run. Also, it will be expensive to go abroad, and no guarantee of residency at the end. I had to try x two to get in to the US medical school, but it was worth it. You deserve at least 1 shot at US applications before considering going abroad. It's initially easier to get in on the front end, but there would be a lot of crap to deal with later, even if you did well on the US medical licensing, etc.