What percentage of accepted students come off waitlist only

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15+ Year Member
Sep 12, 2008
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Anyone care to speculate or is there any data published?

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I'd guess between 0%-25% of a class is a fair range for all med schools, but there is no data published at most schools
In most cases medical schools release 2 acceptances for every spot. There really isn't % chance you will get off of the wait list as they are ranked (at least to some degree).
Express high interest in the school once you get on the wait list and your chances of getting off increase dramatically. GL!
In most cases medical schools release 2 acceptances for every spot. There really isn't % chance you will get off of the wait list as they are ranked (at least to some degree).
Express high interest in the school once you get on the wait list and your chances of getting off increase dramatically. GL!

Not all waitlists are ranked. Many schools go back and re-review all applicants.

Your chance of getting in off the waitlist is highly dependent on the school in question. At some schools, nearly half the class comes from the WL. Other schools don't accept a single person off of the WL.

MSAR doesn't differentiate between students accepted outright and those pulled from the waitlist, so it's hard to get a read on a school without asking them outright.