What to do about open slots for 4th year?

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5+ Year Member
Apr 3, 2018
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Hello I have a huge issue. I have like 3 months worth of slots to fill for 4th year. Is anyone else in this situation? Does anyone know of any IM places open that I can email. I feel like dumping more money into VSLO would be pointless at this point since a lot of these slots are filled right? Is it okay if I just rotate with random doctors in the area? I have really lack hospital experience so I kind of wanted to supplement that, but I don't know what else to do. I am not tied to one location, but my application is not great to say the least.

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Typically I recommend doing rotations that will supplement whatever it is you are applying to. It sounds like you are applying IM, so you can look for general IM (inpatient or outpatient), but you can also spend time with IM subspecialities, such as cardiology, GI, nephrology, ID, pulm, crit care, endocrinology, allergy, rheumatology, etc. Or, you can spend time in things that you won't probably get a lot of during IM residency to help supplement outside of IM, such as neurology, PM&R, radiology, pathology, etc. It really all depends on how you look at it. I am PM&R, so I chose to use electives in interventional pain, neurology, rheumatology, urology, and radiology, for example. If you lack hospital experience, might be best to reach out to hospitals in the area (that way you don't have to pay to apply to more on VSLO or pay to move or pay to rent an AirBnB or anything like that). Otherwise, I would just find docs in the area to rotate with.
Typically I recommend doing rotations that will supplement whatever it is you are applying to. It sounds like you are applying IM, so you can look for general IM (inpatient or outpatient), but you can also spend time with IM subspecialities, such as cardiology, GI, nephrology, ID, pulm, crit care, endocrinology, allergy, rheumatology, etc. Or, you can spend time in things that you won't probably get a lot of during IM residency to help supplement outside of IM, such as neurology, PM&R, radiology, pathology, etc. It really all depends on how you look at it. I am PM&R, so I chose to use electives in interventional pain, neurology, rheumatology, urology, and radiology, for example. If you lack hospital experience, might be best to reach out to hospitals in the area (that way you don't have to pay to apply to more on VSLO or pay to move or pay to rent an AirBnB or anything like that). Otherwise, I would just find docs in the area to rotate with.
That makes sense. Thank you.
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apply for sub I rotations many will be full be you may find one
Email the program coordinators and ask. I know you don’t want to be “aimlessly applying” but that’s sort of the name of the game…
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Have you spoken with your school? In many cases, they have resources to assist you with placement.
Ditto @SharonShares. Talk to your school.

My med student rotation info is all several years old now but I remember South Pointe in Cleveland Ohio had decent away rotations and had their own application outside VSAS.