What to major in undergrad for Dental School?

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Sep 27, 2023
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Hi everyone,

I’ve heard that you actually don’t have to major in Biology/Chemistry to get into Dental School. However, you do need to get the prerequisites done. But, my question is how do I get prerequisites done if my major is something completely different? —coming from someone in High School. I barely have experience with how universities work so any input is appreciated !

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I know someone who did a degree in accounting and a minor in bio. You can do whatever as long as you do the pre-reqs. Might be difficult planning out the 4 years. He will definitely be very prepared to be a business owner with his background.
my question is how do I get prerequisites done if my major is something completely different? —coming from someone in High School
. I barely have experience with how universities work so any input is appreciated !
It's possible! That's where you talk to students at the undergrad programs you are applying to. Do they trust their prehealth advisors, and are they knowledgeable about dental school admissions? Academic advising to plan your course sequence will be critical, but it's not impossible.

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Generally non stem majors don’t have as many “required” credits for your major. So you can use the space for non degree requirements for prerequisite coursework. This all depends on what university and what major you pick.

But yes. Do what you love, don’t major in something you don’t like bc you’ll end up being miserable and your grades might reflect that. Plus being a non science major can look fondly on admissions as it’s less common. There’s a few business majors and non science majors in my class!
It's possible! That's where you talk to students at the undergrad programs you are applying to. Do they trust their prehealth advisors, and are they knowledgeable about dental school admissions? Academic advising to plan your course sequence will be critical, but it's not impossible.

Excellent read with great information.
If you end up majoring in something non-stem, just make sure that you don't wait to start your Chem sequence. You'll have to take 2 semesters of Gen Chem followed by 2 semesters of OChem so if you don't start by the start of your sophomore year, you'll end up taking the DAT late and have to wait to apply.
I’m an Economics major currently in my 4th year, interviewing at some dent schools. It’s definitely possible to major in something “unconventional”, you just need to be extremely intentional with what classes you take and plan ahead (also talk to an advisor at your undergrad about this from the start).
I’m an Economics major currently in my 4th year, interviewing at some dent schools. It’s definitely possible to major in something “unconventional”, you just need to be extremely intentional with what classes you take and plan ahead (also talk to an advisor at your undergrad about this from the start).
Very true here. The reason people major in bio and other sciences is because all the requirements fit med/dent school requirements + recommended electives. In a perfect world, we should probably major in business and take science pre-req but the hassle of fitting in o chem with financial accounting courses in a semester makes it hard.

I had a good friend do mechanical engineering + pre med and was able to graduate on time and start med school after.....but he sat down with his advisor the summer before freshman year and designed his next 4 year. There was no wiggle room for adjustments or falling behind.
Very true here. The reason people major in bio and other sciences is because all the requirements fit med/dent school requirements + recommended electives. In a perfect world, we should probably major in business and take science pre-req but the hassle of fitting in o chem with financial accounting courses in a semester makes it hard.
Exactly. It can be done, just is a grind. Even moreso if you plan on doing the no gap year route to dental school. Essentially, a "pseudo" double major (that's what my advisor calls it lol)