What would constitute interviewing "bad"? Please respond


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10+ Year Member
Sep 25, 2011
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I recently had an interview that went alright. It was my first interview, at my top choice school. I was nervous. Wondering what others who came before me would describe what a bad interview is, ie, one that ruins you. I'm probably being paranoid, but any feedback would help

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Interviewing bad would be blatantly showing disrespect for others and no knowledge about what you're getting into as a dentist. My experience has been that schools seem to be looking at your social interaction and understanding of why you are pursuing a dental education. Everyone involved in admissions knows that students are very stressed out and nervous about their interviews, so if that's your "bad" interview experience, grade yourself with a grain of salt. My advice is to do what you can to calm your nerves. I have found what works best for me is talking to the other students; I'm not always the most outgoing person either, but it has really helped distract me from worrying about how the interview will go.
I feel that my first interview went bad as well. My reason being is in the middle of the interview, my interviewer told me I was on a roll (which was a great thing). But by the time the interview ended, he had some negative feedback because of how I responded to his last question. I felt that my last response to his question ruined my whole interview and ended it with a negative impression (shame on me! :), and thus will prevent me from getting that acceptance (I hope this is not the case!).

Anyhow, if you're rude and offend them in anyway, that would ruin it. If you go into the interview without knowing anything about the school and it shows, that would ruin it. If you answer their questions with those 'cliche' responses (i.e. I am a perfectionist to the weakness question), that will ruin it.

And no worries, everyone is nervous on interview day :)
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Thanks for the feedback everyone. Having a few days to settle down has helped my perspective a lot. I certainly didn't say anything rude, and I think I was able to convey that I know what I'm getting into with dentistry, and more importantly, that I'm ecstatic about it. Of course, on the ride home all I could think about was how I could have done better/things I forgot to mention. But I suppose that's better than saying things that I shouldn't have said! Thanks again for the responses. Best of luck to you all!
Anyhow, if you're rude and offend them in anyway, that would ruin it. If you go into the interview without knowing anything about the school and it shows, that would ruin it. If you answer their questions with those 'cliche' responses (i.e. I am a perfectionist to the weakness question), that will ruin it.

And no worries, everyone is nervous on interview day :)

lol. Who ever uses that better have a 4.0 and a 30 DAT to back that up :laugh:

Then, by all means USE IT but otherwise, steer very clear of that statement.
Any interview less than excellent is a "bad" interview IMHO. The objective is for them to fall in love with you enough to really want you.
when the interview says GET OUT! lol