Whats up with those New Zealand dentists?

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Sep 1, 2003
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OOOpps.....A dentist has "unreservedly apologised" to a patient for removing 14 teeth ? instead of just four ? in a surgical blunder.

Here is the rest of the story:


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damn, those accents must be thick if you can misunderstand "four teeth" for "all teeth"
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Whoops, can you imagine what the guy said after he realiezed he had screwed up. Should have just put implants in before she woke up heh? Could be worse, at least he?s not Canadian ;)
Zurik5 said:
Could be worse, at least he?s not Canadian ;)

:mad: Damn you to hell Chicago scum....
The dentist should have done his homework! He agreed that it was his fault, so I guess it's the patient who lost out! Thank goodness it didn't happen elsewhere, if it did, those trial lawyers would be on this case before you could say "Marmite"! Hopefully the ACC will cover this as medical misadventure.

PS. Not all NZ dentists are "shoot first then ask question" types!
ItsGavinC said:
It's got little to do with New Zealanders since similar things occur stateside as well.

Thanks Gavin for clearing that up....I was unaware of this :rolleyes:
Dr.BadVibes said:
Thanks Gavin for clearing that up....I was unaware of this :rolleyes:

When Gavin said stateside, I think he was a little confused. That type of thing would never happen in the U.S. I think what he meant to write was that might happen in North America too - specifically a certain northerly country that shall remain nameless.

Canucks and New Zealanders, two types of people you can just never be entirely sure about. ;)
Dr.SpongeBobDDS said:
When Gavin said stateside, I think he was a little confused. That type of thing would never happen in the U.S. I think what he meant to write was that might happen in North America too - specifically a certain northerly country that shall remain nameless.

Canucks and New Zealanders, two types of people you can just never be entirely sure about. ;)

Rot in hell Spongebob :D
it's got nothing to do with NZ ...just that the dentist heard the wrong thing or either the patient wasn't too clear about her instructions...don't badger NZ dentists just because we are not Americans....this could happen in the US too so don't be too arrogant about it...
tanwe461 please note the title under the orginal posters name.
Tanwe, I don't think you have to worry about Americans holding any kind of unfounded biases against New Zealanders because of this incident. We're much too self-absorbed to hold opinions about such small places - no offense. In fact, if it makes you feel better, I would guess that ~80% of Americans don't even know that New Zealand is one of the largest cities in Australia. :D
Actually, things like this do occur stateside (although the goings on in Canada I'm sure are far worse). They don't occur frequently, but they still happen. My favorite is the US dentist working at a college health center who gave a 20-year old patient 30+ CARTRIDGES of local anesthetic in one appointment.
30 carpules?!!!! How could ANYBODY miss that many blocks. I mean, assuming the dentist is at least accurate enough to get the needle in the head each time you'd expect him to hit the right nerve just by random chance after 15-20. Something weird going on there.

If it was 2% lido that's... ummm... ~1100 mg!!! depending on whose numbers you use that's 2-3x the max dose. What happened to the patient?
i'm a yank and i am fully aware that new zealand is one the of bigger cities in aussieland.

Dr.SpongeBobDDS said:
Tanwe, I don't think you have to worry about Americans holding any kind of unfounded biases against New Zealanders because of this incident. We're much too self-absorbed to hold opinions about such small places - no offense. In fact, if it makes you feel better, I would guess that ~80% of Americans don't even know that New Zealand is one of the largest cities in Australia. :D
seppos. don't know what they're blathering about.

that's sad to hear, but a mistake that could happen to any one of you.
Dr.SpongeBobDDS said:
When Gavin said stateside, I think he was a little confused.

I thought he was talking about Utah.. :D
Jesus H. Christ...you guys are so damn uptight on this forum...when did I mention that this story applies to all NZ dentists...geez, of course i know it could happen anywhere...it was a funny story that I thought I would share...at least Spongebob and Zurik can have a sense of humour as well.....
ItsGavinC said:
Actually, things like this do occur stateside (although the goings on in Canada I'm sure are far worse).

Hey Gavin, mind elaborating on this statement after you're done saluting the stars and stripes?
Freaking canucks on the loose again. Quick, alert US immigration! Close the borders, pronto! We don't need any more shady dentists here. :)