When am I supposed to hear back from schools?

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7+ Year Member
Aug 14, 2015
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I paid for my application on September 5 and JUST submitted all my materials to OptomCAS about 2 weeks ago. The only change I made was submitted my transcript marks.
When should I hear back from them?
When's the latest I should hear back from them?
Will they notify me if I am rejected?
How do I know if I messed up my application? I have really good OAT marks and a decent GPA (3.5) so I feel pretty confident about getting in. I just feel like I messed up on applying.

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I submitted my application 2 days ago and so far from what i've heard, it takes anywhere from a couple days to a month for OptomCas to verify your applications. Then it gets sent to school who contact you generally within a couple week (maybe longer sometimes). I don't think they notify you if you're rejected, they just don't contact you. If there is something wrong with your application or there's something missing OptomCas will let you know once they try and verify it, they will send it back to you so you can fix it I think. It's a little later in the cycle but I definitely think we still have good chances of being accepted 🙂 Can I ask what your OAT marks were?
I submitted my application 2 days ago and so far from what i've heard, it takes anywhere from a couple days to a month for OptomCas to verify your applications. Then it gets sent to school who contact you generally within a couple week (maybe longer sometimes). I don't think they notify you if you're rejected, they just don't contact you. If there is something wrong with your application or there's something missing OptomCas will let you know once they try and verify it, they will send it back to you so you can fix it I think. It's a little later in the cycle but I definitely think we still have good chances of being accepted 🙂 Can I ask what your OAT marks were?
They don't contact you if rejected eh? My OAT TS was 400 and AA 380.
I guess I should contact the schools directly. Thanks for your reply!
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They don't contact you if rejected eh? My OAT TS was 400 and AA 380.
I guess I should contact the schools directly. Thanks for your reply!

Some schools do contact you to let you know that they cannot accept you into their program. I think it is school specific!
They don't contact you if rejected eh? My OAT TS was 400 and AA 380.
I guess I should contact the schools directly. Thanks for your reply!
I submitted my application 2 days ago and so far from what i've heard, it takes anywhere from a couple days to a month for OptomCas to verify your applications. Then it gets sent to school who contact you generally within a couple week (maybe longer sometimes). I don't think they notify you if you're rejected, they just don't contact you. If there is something wrong with your application or there's something missing OptomCas will let you know once they try and verify it, they will send it back to you so you can fix it I think. It's a little later in the cycle but I definitely think we still have good chances of being accepted 🙂 Can I ask what your OAT marks were?

I had some transcript issue and OptomCas didn't get my application till the second week of september even though i sent in my application in july. They told me it would take a few weeks to verify but it took four days and my application got verified. I also heard back from one of the schools i applied to for an interview even before my application was verified. Hope yours gets verified soon🙂 good luck!
I had some transcript issue and OptomCas didn't get my application till the second week of september even though i sent in my application in july. They told me it would take a few weeks to verify but it took four days and my application got verified. I also heard back from one of the schools i applied to for an interview even before my application was verified. Hope yours gets verified soon🙂 good luck!
yes everything is good now, got my interview offers. Thanks for the response!