When can we hit submit!!?

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10+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Apr 9, 2006
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Have an of ya'll heard when the AMCAS officially opens up for submission. The website is of no help as it just say "on or about June 5th" whatever that means. Thanks!

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Have an of ya'll heard when the AMCAS officially opens up for submission. The website is of no help as it just say "on or about June 5th" whatever that means. Thanks!

I heard its about 9pm for West Coast people on June 4th.
You can hit submit when it allows you to hit submit.
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I got word today from my school's advisers that submission is 10 AM ET on the 5th. <shrug>
I got word from my advisor that you can't submit until next week. I can totally see some gunner screwing the gullible people over. :laugh:

I think that it is 9pm west coast and 12am east coast.
who cares, as long as you are in by the 15th you are early.
You can hit submit when it allows you to hit submit.

So true! Screw what everyone tells you and what the website says. Last year, it opened up earlier than expected. So for the gunners out there, start checking the website EARLY tomorrow morning if not late tonight. You want to get in the queue as soon as possible...