I mostly agree with what you're saying but if we're going to talk about the financial aspect of medicine, we can't ignore the risk vs. reward issue and the cost of becoming a physician, which simply doesn't exist in almost any other profession.
@ChordaEpiphany touched on it a bit, but there are many other careers where one can safely make 6 figures without investing an extra 4 years (minimum) and $200k+ just to have a shot at getting into a field you want, which is something that physicians 30 years ago in the 80's and 90's didn't have to deal with. I've talked to multiple ortho guys who did their residency in the 80's that said they pretty much just walked into residency without worrying about not matching or having to enter a different field. It seems like even the mildly competitive fields today are more competitive than the top fields in the 80's.
Add on that back then docs were graduating with 50k or less in debt and significantly lower interest rates and the risk side of medicine is a completely different game than it was back then. Given the setup of med school, a doc could easily get into their desired field and pay off their student loans in a single year while still living comfortably, that's just not realistic today and many med students wonder if they'll have to choose between living like a resident for the next 15-20 years or just have massive debt hanging over them. So while I agree the reward side is still as good if not better than it's always been, the risk side of the equation has gotten significantly worse and I think this is why many of the older docs say medicine just isn't worth it anymore.
Another thing to point out is the difference between income and spending power. Again, I agree that there are few jobs out there that have the level of income, job security, and general opportunity as medicine. However, that "risk" side of the equation with massive debt and high interest rates significantly impacts the spending power of physicians. A while ago someone (I believe it was WhiteCoatInvestor) did an analysis of the average physicians spending power and it was far worse than most people here lead on. The most striking thing I saw was that the average physician actually had less spending power than a plumber or electrician (who average around 50k/year) until they were in their late 50's. Considering the amount of sacrifice, time, and financial investment that is required to start making physician salary in a person's early to mid thirties, few people want to spend the next 20-25 years with restrictive spending power and worrying about "catching up" financially. The process of becoming a physician and the current financial situation of docs is a completely different landscape than it has ever been, and it's something that the guys in the 80's and 90's just didn't have to worry about.
I'm not saying that being a physician isn't a good deal financially or that we should be preparing for the apocalypse, but I absolutely believe that we should be cognizant of the changing landscape of healthcare and take steps to ensure that the profession is protected. Given the amount of financial and personal sacrifice required to become a physician, I think it's worth
Several of my classmates who are medical students and mothers would disagree with you. I'm not saying being a parent isn't difficult or that it doesn't require sacrifice, but you're really comparing apples to organs there.