When to get pregnant?

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Jun 10, 2014
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Hi, I am a final year resident will be graduating in June 2021. My boards are in Feb first week 2021. I have one year of fellowship from July 2021 to June 2022 and then will be my first job. By then I will be 37 yr old.
I am planning for a second pregnancy. Currently have a super active one year old.
I am deciding on when to get pregnant whether to get pregnant and deliver if possible before graduation from residency ( June 2021) so I can use FMLA. But I would be 5months pregnant during boards exam ( if everything worked out fine and I get pregnant as planned). Worried abt risking my board exam especially if I have any complications with my pregnancy.
Other option is to try to get pregnant during second half of one year fellowship and possibly deliver in the first few months of my first job.
I am thinking to join as a faculty in my residency program ( I have been offered a job but haven’t gave my final word).
Third option: Deliver in between fellowship ( 1yr) but won’t get FMLA as that would be different institution with less than 12 months at that place
Need advice. TIA.

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Getting pregnant exactly when you want it to happen is by no means guaranteed. If you desire another child I would personally recommend just going for it. Especially if your first pregnancy was uncomplicated. You can definitely take and pass boards while pregnant! Having a baby during fellowship or as an attending is also doable... really you can make any time work.
Getting pregnant exactly when you want it to happen is by no means guaranteed. If you desire another child I would personally recommend just going for it. Especially if your first pregnancy was uncomplicated. You can definitely take and pass boards while pregnant! Having a baby during fellowship or as an attending is also doable... really you can make any time work.
I joked with a pregnant mother once that passing USMLE Step 2 would be easier because she had two brains (she was 7 months from the conceiving event). I do think the increase in serum testosterone can actually help pregnant future mothers do better in test taking environments (based on my own original research lol)

I would also like to add that the best time to get pregnant was at 18, and the best next time is today. As a female ages it can be much tougher to conceive and bring a healthy infant to term. You really have to decide how important having a healthy child is relative to your future career. If you wait to 37 years to try to conceive there is no guarantee you will be able to. Choices can be tough to make!