When to write the MCAT

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Oct 15, 2017
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Sophomore, would like to apply early as possible. When to study and when to write the MCAT. Please advice, thank you all!

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Most people in your shoes wanting to avoid a gap year will take the MCAT either summer between sophomore year and junior year or during winter of junior year.

I studied in July after finishing sophomore year and sat in September. The advantage of summer studying is having no school to worry about. Drawback was that I didn’t have biochem under my belt and had to self study.
Taking biochem in fall of junior year, so I guess I should prepare to write in January 2019. Thanks!
At many universities, those trying to avoid a gap year will most commonly take the MCAT during the spring/early summer of their junior year, but it all depends on the timing of when you will finish your MCAT coursework. For example, I didn't finish physics until spring of my junior year, and took the MCAT in early June of that year, and successfully applied that cycle and was able to go straight through without needing to take a gap year.

Stephen, EK writer and instructor, Emory M1