Where can you find information about match percents?

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Junior Member
15+ Year Member
Apr 3, 2004
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I know on some of the school's websites they have a list of the different specialties etc. I am looking for a list of all the schools percentages that matched their students' top 3. Sorry if this was posted before and I've been reading SDN for about 7 months and this is my first post. You guys have helped me out so much, thanks.

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A lot of schools stopped reporting such statistics because they are useless. Which programs a student chooses as his/her top three is reflective of where he/she got interviews at, not the programs he/she inititally desired entry into. For example, a person wanting to match into ortho ends up getting no ortho interviews, and only a few at low tier general surgery programs. He lists the general surgery programs as his top three choices and matches. Now the school can declare that this student matched into one of his top three, even though he might not have matched into his top 40. A better thing to consider is a school's matchlist, which is at least somewhat indicative of how competitive of residencies the students are getting into.
Where do you find match lists?