Where else to apply?

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15+ Year Member
Nov 13, 2006
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I'm applying to all 6 allopathic schools in FL for 2010... UF, FSU, FIU, UCF, USF, Miami... sent out transcripts already just waiting on MCAT (28th May).

I want to apply to 15+ schools just in case... preferably in a somewhat warm/humid climate... doesn't have to be as warm as FL but no midwest -too dry for my skin - seems to shed like a snake every time I go up there in the winter.... and sub-0*F temp is brutal! I'm not looking at applying to "dream schools" aka snob schools... just some decent programs that'll get the job done and that I'm competitive for and where they don't have an extreme sausage-fest ratio.

What would you guys recommend? I haven't done my research on a lot of out of state schools yet and hope I can get some idea of where to start with you guys. Here are my stats...

Degree: 2006: BS Aviation Management from Florida Tech
Prereqs: All the basics done at UCF as a non-degree grad except general chem 2 at a CC (scheduling conflict - and couldn't get into lab at UCF) I'm enrolled in anatomy and physiology for this summer - going to just audit them... and biochem for next spring (just in case I get in somewhere that requires it)
GPA: 3.8 overall, 3.94 BCPM
Work experience: Flight instructor at Florida Tech and Patrick AFB, airline pilot SAAB 340
Other: no convictions of any sort, no disciplinary actions... did all the classwork required for a CNA license but dropped the clinicals because I went to go poke holes in the sky... 94 hours volunteering in the ER a while back - starting up again this week and will have some more recent stuff... 4 hour shadowing a radiologist... absolutely NO research

MCAT: ?? hoping for at least a 30, which I think I can pull off - getting mid 30's on the AAMC practice ones at this point and I've got some more review to do over the next couple weeks.

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Why would you call good schools "snob schools?" I don't go to a "snob school," but I also don't consider anyone who goes to a top school a "snob" simply because they did well enough to get into one. You probably shouldn't alienate the people who are very well qualified to evaluate a stats profile (the people who were accepted to the top schools). Just my two cents.

Also, your application seems to be heavily aviation based. You definitely need more research to be competitive for schools even like UF, but I guess I'd keep it on. You lack a lot of clinical experience too. Based on your predicted MCATs, I might add some lower-mid to mid-tier MD schools, though I'm not sure of which ones they are.
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If you can get a 30 on the MCAT you're probably competitive at OOS privates: Temple, Drexel, SLU, NYMC, Jefferson, GW, Creighton, Loyola, RFU, Tulane etc. Some other schools to think about: Albany, VCU, EVMS

If you get in the mid-30s it's going to be a whole different story, although probably not too crazy as your ECs are just OK.
A lot depends on your MCAT score, so come back when you have that. Give consideration to the schools JimmerJammer mentioned but be aware that they also get much more applications than the average state school does.

That, and FIU has a smaller class size (80 next year, I believe).
You are asking for schools that you have good chances at. Therefore, this is a "what are my chances?" thread.

Not really - I see where you're coming from but I'm asking at where else to consider based on other criteria... sure with good chances but that was secondary to my intent... ;) ... like, out of the ones that I've got a good chance, what would I like and what are people saying about them? Is there anything that makes certain ones stand out for what I'm looking for?
Why would you call good schools "snob schools?" I don't go to a "snob school," but I also don't consider anyone who goes to a top school a "snob" simply because they did well enough to get into one. You probably shouldn't alienate the people who are very well qualified to evaluate a stats profile (the people who were accepted to the top schools). Just my two cents.

Also, your application seems to be heavily aviation based. You definitely need more research to be competitive for schools even like UF, but I guess I'd keep it on. You lack a lot of clinical experience too. Based on your predicted MCATs, I might add some lower-mid to mid-tier MD schools, though I'm not sure of which ones they are.

Yea I'm a bit thin on the clinical stuff so I got a shadowing spot today w/ some local doctor and I'll be volunteering in the ER... that should bump it up a bit. From talking to them, I don't think UF's admissions is heavily dependent on research especially as a non-traditional applicant. Also, again from talking to them and several other schools, the aviation background was a big plus as a non-traditional applicant.

And BC: What I meant about the snob schools - I couldn't care less about prestige. I'm not saying the med students there are snobs, but a lot of the others sure are :) ... they won't shut up about how "I went to Haaaaarvvvvard." I know there's a lot of applicants that are all about getting into the big names - just saying I'm not.

What I'm mostly concerned about is what do YOU guys think of some of the schools out there that you visited or your friends visited... ASIDE from the stats and my chances of getting in... I mean I'm not going to apply to a school where there's 5 spots open to OOS students, but maybe some were in a really nice area near a cool city or near the beach or something else beneficial... maybe a student body that made an impression on you - who knows.