Which is the hardest to match?

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2+ Year Member
Jun 1, 2020
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as a USMD, I am interested in the specialties below:

interventional radiology

if someone can rank how difficult it is to rank in these specialties that would be great. I understand they all are competitive but my main concern is to see how they rank against themselves and if there is a major gap in competitive rates. Thanks, folks!

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as a USMD, I am interested in the specialties below:

interventional radiology

if someone can rank how difficult it is to rank in these specialties that would be great. I understand they all are competitive but my main concern is to see how they rank against themselves and if there is a major gap in competitive rates. Thanks, folks!
You can look this information up and do the math yourself using charting outcome in the match.
Cardiology is a subspecialty of IM where you would do a fellowship after. IR and ophtho are clearly the most competitive, anesthesia and IM are readily attainable
thanks! how hard do you believe getting a cardiology fellowship will be after IM? would it be competitive as well?
Optho is probably the hardest of those, followed by IR (if you want categorical vs going after radiology), anesthesia and then IM (cards is after that).
Curious as to your specific interests in the various specialties. In some extent they can all be procedural in nature. Optho is limited in organs and IR is very broad in organs that they deal with. Cards and anesthesia are very heavy in physiology and pharmacology.