Hey, I got accepted into USF, and UF decisions come in February. I've done a lot of research and a lot of people say that where you go doesn't matter too much as long as you have a good GPA, MCAT score, and strong EC's. Apparently, it's negligible unless you go to an IV League or something. I was wondering if that's true or not. I've heard from a couple of friends that USF has more hospitals associated with it and more surrounding clinics, so I'd be able to find opportunities to shadow and scribe easier. But the UF pedigree has a lot of weight. UF is apparently a "pre-med weed out" so that could potentially harm my GPA. I don't know how the research opportunities fair for both universities. When I look up pre-med success rates for UF, it shows me about 45%. When I search the same criteria for USF, it doesn't show me the success rates. Can you guys give me some guidance or knowledge about which university would give me the best chance for medical school as a pre-med, assuming I do well and work my butt off at both schools. Thank you so much!!