Who near is still not taken STEP and preparing for it? (IMG, Carribbean Students, US students)

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Jan 20, 2019
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US student, tackling the Step prep...

anyone else ?

Those who have completed OMS/MS-2 (not worry about those in OMS/MS-II)...

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I'm still trying to tackle both comlex and step. I have comlex coming up soon. I'll deal with step later down the road during Christmas probably. I'm a US DO student. It's not a good feeling to be left behind while your classmates are doing rotations lol. At this point I just want to pass this test that sucked life out of me lol.
Finished UW 55%, took comsae 101 - 445, and I know new comsae are underpredicting, but I'm still feeling very borderline to be honest. Like I don't feel confident enough to say I'm ready lol. There were some questions on comsae that I have no idea how to prepare and where to get info to be able to answer them - it seems like sometimes they throw level 2 or even level 3 questions at you.
Doing UFAPS with some Anki, but not Zanki or anything big, just subject based smaller Anki decks to cover my knowledge gaps. Trying my best, but it's stressful man. I periodically fluctuate from despair to like "ok, it seems I still can pass this exam".
Hopefully we are going to make it fam.
I was torn between comlex or step. and definately relate to those feelings.

However, now i realize that it's the best move for me. It isnt' worth it for me to pass comlex with a 400. It's not actually as uncommon as US med school make you believe.

I am now going step prep full on --and worry about comlex later. STEP is predicable with really good practice test and so forth so i prefer to do that instead of being in a @#$@ storm of comlex.

The imp thing is to make a decision and keep with it.

Im going through all system and FA thoruhly with Anki for repetition/memory and uworld Incorrects subject by subject.
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I was torn between comlex or step. and definately relate to those feelings.

However, now i realize that it's the best move for me. It isnt' worth it for me to pass comlex with a 400. It's not actually as uncommon as US med school make you believe.

I am now going step prep full on --and worry about comlex later. STEP is predicable with really good practice test and so forth so i prefer to do that instead of being in a @#$@ storm of comlex.

The imp thing is to make a decision and keep with it.
I think you know your situation and what is best for you. Getting a good step score is no doubt going to be best decision for you, especially when we'll get closer to matching. I'l regret that I'm sure, but in my case, I have no leverage over my school in my situation and I have very limited time left without possibility of postponing. I'm still hoping to get 500+ on comlex and then worry about step lol. Here's for hope!
yes, each of our school has their own policy how much they will allow etc
so we have to do what's best in our situation . we are all governed by our school policy and etc.

the point of this post is DON'T FEEL ALONE, DON'T FEEL LIKE YOU are the ONLY ONE, you are NOT, YOU DID What you knew best in MS-1 AND MS-2 so no blame, no judgements, it's ok :) and keep studying
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