Who needs to be notified about board exam results?

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10+ Year Member
May 2, 2010
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To whom are the board exam results released? Can my employer or hospital see it? Program director or coordinator? I guess this applies more if you failed the test.

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You paid for it. You can see it. They don't get notified if you fail. They might ask though...up to you what you say but they can search the AAN website and look.
You paid for it. You can see it. They don't get notified if you fail. They might ask though...up to you what you say but they can search the AAN website and look.
People’s P/F status is reported on AAN?
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Sorry. Meant ABPN. You can search for diplomats I think. If they know you took the test on X month and results and released on Y and you're not on that list then...yup.
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I do think your PD might get notified if you fail? But I could be wrong… they are supposed to report their pass % I thought at least in IM
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