Technology Why does the iPhone5 battery suck so bad?

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15+ Year Member
May 18, 2007
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My iPhone 5 battery can't make it through the day without a charge. I friggin' hate this stupid thing. I've shut down all my apps that run in the background, dimmed the screen, put it on airplane mode when I'm somewhere with crappy reception, and I even did a hard reset and wiped it clean. It hasn't made a difference. I took it back and and they said there's nothing wrong with the phone or the battery, and that's its the normal wear of the batter (it's getting close to 2 years old, I bought it when it first came out). They told me they could exchange the phone for a fee (which I don't want to pay).

What kind of bullcrap is that? $300 bucks for a phone that can't even make it to 5 pm without needing a recharge. It pisses me off so much. I don't care about screen size, apps, or any other crap. I want a phone that I don't have to constantly charge or worry about. If the iPhone 6 battery is this crappy, I'm definitely not getting it. What phone has a better battery life?

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Why does the iPhone5 battery suck so bad?

Because Apple thinks big phones suck and won't make a big phone, which can accommodate a bigger battery.

Actually nvm it's because Apple doesn't think it has a battery life problem in the first place.

Apple said:
Yet it’s incredibly energy efficient, so you can use your iPhone throughout the day without worrying about battery life.
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Yeah... some iPhone 5's have defective batteries that apple has recalled.

Crappy of them not to tell the people who are affected, since we all know they have our names, contact information, and phone serial numbers.
1. There are many independently owned electronics stores that will fix smartphones for you. If you bring them your phone, they'll replace the battery for you.
2. Go on amazon and search for iphone 5 battery replacement kit. These are usu. cheap. You have to make sure you know what you're doing before you open it up yourself. Check on youtube.
3. get a new phone. many non-apple phones do way better in terms of battery life... motorola, blackberry, and Galaxy.
4. Get an iphone 5 battery case with a battery attached. There are tons of these on amazon. The downside is it makes the phone very bulky.