Why Pharmacy? Desperate, please help!!

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Sep 10, 2006
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Hi Pre-Pharmers! I'm wondering why you guys chose pharmacy as a career path. Give me your best reasons. You see, I'm applying to med school and slowly realizing that it scares the crap out of me. I really want to be a doctor, but it's a long hard road, and I'm not sure I'm up for it. I really really value free time to spend with the people I love. It's really important to me, and I'm not sure med school, residency, and the doctor lifestyle are going to allow that. So I've been considering backing up and trying Pharm, but I'm afraid I'd get bored. I have a bit of ADD when it comes to jobs/work. Give me your thoughts! I really appreciate any input. I'm kind of having a crisis, and I really need to decide where my life is going. :confused:

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Hi Pre-Pharmers! I'm wondering why you guys chose pharmacy as a career path. Give me your best reasons. You see, I'm applying to med school and slowly realizing that it scares the crap out of me. I really want to be a doctor, but it's a long hard road, and I'm not sure I'm up for it. I really really value free time to spend with the people I love. It's really important to me, and I'm not sure med school, residency, and the doctor lifestyle are going to allow that. So I've been considering backing up and trying Pharm, but I'm afraid I'd get bored. I have a bit of ADD when it comes to jobs/work. Give me your thoughts! I really appreciate any input. I'm kind of having a crisis, and I really need to decide where my life is going. :confused:

you just sound like, "Oh..I am afraid i will get rejected by med schoo...let's try pharm school, it'll be easier..but heck..that job is boring!".
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hiya hunz,ok i dont wanna put u off but medicine is like too uch for me...nd that is wat i think...i dont wanna put words into ur mouth..but its like...arrrghh....and u have to do exams after EVERY 5 YEARS and i hate the fact of taking xams, let alone revising. but i'm in the same position as u, well when i say that i mean taking pharmacy as an option, and the only thing i can think of, and i have mention this in another thread is that u get a job straight away after ur degree course and whatever work is done, stays there in teh workplace, and u DON'T need to bring anything home. by the way, other than poharmacy wat other career option were u thinkn of??...and TELL ME why u wanna do pharmacy, cuz these are the only 2 points i can mention but at the mo i'm doin my persoanl statement and i need more than those i have mentioned. tell me wat ur view on pharmacy is and y u wanna do it.:cool: catch ya later.

That post was really friggin hard to read.
Hi Pre-Pharmers! I'm wondering why you guys chose pharmacy as a career path. Give me your best reasons. You see, I'm applying to med school and slowly realizing that it scares the crap out of me. I really want to be a doctor, but it's a long hard road, and I'm not sure I'm up for it. I really really value free time to spend with the people I love. It's really important to me, and I'm not sure med school, residency, and the doctor lifestyle are going to allow that. So I've been considering backing up and trying Pharm, but I'm afraid I'd get bored. I have a bit of ADD when it comes to jobs/work. Give me your thoughts! I really appreciate any input. I'm kind of having a crisis, and I really need to decide where my life is going. :confused:

Okay everyone, let's play nice here... we're pre-professionals now right...? :p

Anyways, like someone mentioned above, it sounds as though you're using pharmacy as a 'backup carreer.' Yes, med school takes longer considering that residencies are required but it's not as if pharmacy's a cake walk either. Why do you think it's going to be boring? If you really want to confirm this, you should really volunteer or shadow a pharmacist in various settings. Cause...it'd be a terrible waste to find yourself a couple of years down the road not liking pharmacy either.
I guarantee that you would never get bored at my pharmacy. We are always busy. You would need to go to a pharmacy and see what is done before any judgments are made.