Winter Break during Medical School to climb a mountain??

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Feb 6, 2005
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Ok, so this is kinda random, but just throwing it out there to see if anyone has any ideas. So my dad and I have always wanted to climb Aconcagua in Argentina (highest mountain in the Americas) and to do so you need at least 2 weeks (and the season is only from mid Dec to end of Jan because the summer seasons are reversed). I'm planning on applying to medical school this summer to enter in Fall 2006. I've been looking at different school websites and it seems like most schools have a only a 2 week break, and considering I would be immersed in Finals right before that time I don't know if it would be reasonable with training and time factor (not too mention I'm assuming people need a break to relax instead of climb a mountain) to even think about doing it over this break during medical school. But because my dad is getting older I just dont think I should wait until after medical school (and then time would be even more strechted for me too), so what is one's schedule like during the application year and would I even be able to do this while I am applying (I'm planning on working next year). I'm assuming I will be getting about 3 weeks of vacation time with my job, so for those of you who have applied, would I be able to do this during the application year or will I need to save all of my days for interviewing and is it even possible to be unreachable for a 2 week period of time?? Any advice about this would be greatly appreciated.

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akanene said:
Ok, so this is kinda random, but just throwing it out there to see if anyone has any ideas. So my dad and I have always wanted to climb Aconcagua in Argentina (highest mountain in the Americas) and to do so you need at least 2 weeks (and the season is only from mid Dec to end of Jan because the summer seasons are reversed). I'm planning on applying to medical school this summer to enter in Fall 2006. I've been looking at different school websites and it seems like most schools have a only a 2 week break, and considering I would be immersed in Finals right before that time I don't know if it would be reasonable with training and time factor (not too mention I'm assuming people need a break to relax instead of climb a mountain) to even think about doing it over this break during medical school. But because my dad is getting older I just dont think I should wait until after medical school (and then time would be even more strechted for me too), so what is one's schedule like during the application year and would I even be able to do this while I am applying (I'm planning on working next year). I'm assuming I will be getting about 3 weeks of vacation time with my job, so for those of you who have applied, would I be able to do this during the application year or will I need to save all of my days for interviewing and is it even possible to be unreachable for a 2 week period of time?? Any advice about this would be greatly appreciated.
Hey, one of my good friends is actually going to India and training with his uncle (his father passed away) but he's training to climb up to a certain point on Everest. He's already begun the training process and works out and runs so much every day. his diet has also changed a lot. (from beer to whiskey. haha) but yeah, he's already started. It's a pretty intense thing, because he's climbing at the end of the summer and he's started already. I've never done it myself, but I think maybe talking to a professional would be a a great idea. gluck. maybe some ppl on here have done it!
Hey, I went to do the Polish Glacier route a few years ago (didn't summit 🙁 ). We were on the mountain for I think 18 or 19 days. Once you factor in getting there and back, it's over 3 weeks. Longer if you have to wait for good weather. I'm an MS1 and there's just no way I could have done it over winter break. PM me and I'll love to talk to you more about it.
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get a satellite phone and you should be reachable whilst on the mountain. being away 2-3 weeks during interview season isn't a big deal. keep in mind that most schools don't interview between christmas and new year's, so you won't really lose out on many interview dates.
hey thanks guys... I'm not so worried about the training (i do run everyday now and have done a couple tough mountains recently) I'm just more worried about the time factor. As in if an interviewer called right after I left and then I didn't get back to them for 2 weeks, would I pretty much be shooting myself in the foot so to speak. I don't think satellite phone is an option as I'm assuming it would only be used for life and death emergencies, not my mother calling to ask me about med school ****. Has anyone out there taken a substantial amount of time off during the application year??