Worried a co-worker is sick?

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Aug 23, 2014
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I know this is none of my business and I'm an MD resident but not in neurology. I'm worried about a co-worker and I'm not sure if she's properly taking care of herself. She keeps telling me she got worked up and it's nothing to worry about, but she looks pretty bad when she decompensates. She has these periods of ataxia, hallucinates, and gets profoundly confused (e.g. she forgot her address). She got hospitalized once and thought the nurse call button was a phone. These periods seem to last for hours, maybe over a day. It happened once several months ago but now it's happened three times this past month. She says she's seeing a provider and getting treated. I can't help but run differentials in my head because obviously, I'm not only concerned but extremely curious and understandably she won't share her medical history with me. What would be in your differential? Or maybe I'm getting worked up over nothing and just thinking up really bad possibilities that may be highly unlikely.

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Huntington, variant MS
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Acute EtOH
Hahaha! Knowing her, highly highly unlikely. But I know everyone says you never know. Although that'd be pretty low on my list. Wish I could present her in some way that's accurate and would depict that. Anyways, I'm glad people are responding. And yes, good to keep more benign possibilities in mind too and good to be reassured that the differential can be broad. Looks really weird when you witness it, but tis the reason for this thread 🙂.
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