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Jun 25, 2009
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Featured on Yahoo!'s homepage. lols.

Everything I can agree with except for the tech thing. That's incredibly misleading. It implies techs can fill prescriptions on their own. I actually found the "9 More Things Your Pharmacist Isn't Telling You" link at the bottom more interesting. To add on to the other thread in the forum about pharmacists being called doctors...

4. Go ahead and call me doctor (I'm just not that kind of doctor). Since mid-2004, pharmacy students must pursue a doctorate in pharmacy (Pharm.D) in order to be licensed. Pharmacists licensed before then must have at least a Bachelor of Pharmacy and pass a series of exams. Either way, your pharmacist has spent more time studying drugs than even your doctor has.

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I have a shirt that says, "Your physician spent 1 semester studying drugs. I spent 8. Who do you trust?"

Naturally, I wouldn't wear it around since I'm not yet a pharmacist, but I liked it and had to buy it when I saw it... and it's oh so true.
I have a shirt that says, "Your physician spent 1 semester studying drugs. I spent 8. Who do you trust?"

Naturally, I wouldn't wear it around since I'm not yet a pharmacist, but I liked it and had to buy it when I saw it... and it's oh so true.

Where did you get it? I really want one of those...
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Cafe Press has a TON of very cool novelty science/pharmacy shirts.

I am a sucker for 'em. I have one for schrodinger's cat, the caffeine molecule, and about 7 others.
Lol... they have some really awesome stuff. Thanks for the plug.
Everything I can agree with except for the tech thing. That's incredibly misleading. It implies techs can fill prescriptions on their own.

I thought techs CAN fill prescriptions on their own, but the pharmacist has to check and verify that everything is correct (right pill, qty, labels, etc) before it can be sold to the patient.
Everything I can agree with except for the tech thing. That's incredibly misleading. It implies techs can fill prescriptions on their own.

What I got from that is.... lower qualified techs can possibly mean pharmacy clerks? Large corporations like CVS, Rite Aid..etc would probably not let that happen...but if you think about it, small private pharmacies could possibly get away with that just to save their business some $$. =/ I'm sure they'll have at least a registered tech too.... but i guess you'll never know who's actually filling the prescriptions?
We do fill prescriptions. Pharmacist only checks it. We can even advance some non-narcotics to patients if they have no refills. We make a lot of decisions, but none of them go unchecked by the pharmacists.
But that's what I mean. If I read that with no knowledge of how the pharmacy works, it implies to me that these inexperienced techs could be filling my prescription on their own, without the role of a pharmacist. Maybe I read it differently than everyone else lol.
On Cafepress, I like these two
