Medical Your Residency Application: Being Repetitive Again and Again

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In writing their personal statements, many residency applicants ask me, “Isn’t it regurgitating my CV if I highlight my accomplishments?” After all, they say, their achievements have already been noted in the application, MSPE, and letters of recommendation. Think of the residency admissions process as an onion. Your ERAS and letters serve as one layer of that onion, albeit a thin one. In other words, your accomplishments are conveyed simply and succinctly there. The personal statement is your opportunity to apply a thicker layer, one in which you flesh out your achievements, thus persuading the reader of your distinctiveness. Finally, the interview is your chance to add on the thickest peel. Discussing your accomplishments in detail can seal the interviewer’s positive impression of you.

So yes, you are going to be redundant throughout the residency application process, but each part serves a different and additive purpose. If you do not include your achievements in your personal statement, how will you be viewed as distinctive? Remember: Who you are is what you’ve done… and what traits and skills you’ve gained accordingly.

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