2019-2020 Stanford

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The Real PG
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May 10, 2012
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Please tag a pre-allo moderator when the second prompt is posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

MSTP Supplemental Questions

The MSTP MD-PhD is seeking students who demonstrate commitment to, and record of achievement in, undergraduate activities indicative of a successful career in academic medicine and scientific investigation.

Competition for the MSTP MD-PhD is extremely rigorous with a limited number of positions available. All MSTP MD-PhD applications are evaluated by both the MSTP MD-PhD Admissions Committee and the Stanford Medical School Admissions Committee. Applicants who are not offered interviews or admission to the MSTP MD-PhD remain active candidates for the MD Program. Applicants to the MSTP MD-PhD represent a wide range of scientific backgrounds; their common denominator is a significant and extensive research experience in which they were able to demonstrate originality and creativity of scientific though.

A stipulation of the NIH training grant that provides support for the MSTP MD-PhD at Stanford is that trainees must be citizens of the United States or hold a resident alien card (permanent resident).

A completed application to the MSTP MD-PhD includes a complete application to the Stanford MD Program and letters of recommendation. However, the following application materials will serve as the primary basis for initial evaluation by the MSTP MD-PhD Admissions Committee; therefore, much of the information will duplicate what was previously requested for your AMCAS application and/or the first part of the Stanford Supplementary Application. The admissions committee is especially interested in the depth and extent of your prior research experience, as well as your reasons for pursuing training as a physician-scientist.

The AMCAS application has required essay responses to MD/PhD program interest. You may use information from these responses in the sections that follow, but you are required to answer every question on the Stanford Supplemental Application, and it is not sufficient to simply refer to the AMCAS essays. Your AMCAS MD/PhD essays will be included also.

Describe your most significant research experience. Include the rationale, results, and conclusions, and the role you played in each of these components. Please be very specific, including the dates and amount of time you were engaged. For publications or presentations that resulted or will result from this work, include a complete citation with the names of all authors and the status (e.g., submitted, in preparation). Please limit your answer to 2,500 characters including spaces.

Describe in a short paragraph your educational and family background. E.g., I grew up in New York City, as the 3rd child of a high school principal and homemaker. I attended Mann High School where my major interests were boxing and drama. Please limit your answer to 600 characters including spaces.

Describe your reasons for pursuing medical scientist training in relation to your long-term career goals. Why are you applying to a combined degree program rather than graduate or medical school only? Please limit your answer to 800 characters including spaces.

Describe your current lab affiliation and the weekly time commitment required. E.g., I am working in the Griffin lab where I performed research in the summer following junior year for 20 hours per week. Please limit your answer to 800 characters including spaces.

Describe any other research experiences you think would be relevant to the MSTP MD-PhD Admissions Committee decision. Please limit your answer to 800 characters including spaces.

Describe any patient-related, teaching, and service-oriented activities relevant to the MSTP MD-PhD Admissions Committee decision. Please limit your answer to 800 characters including spaces.

Describe any other aspect of your background you think would be relevant to the MSTP MD-PhD Admissions Committee decision. Please limit your answer to 800 characters including spaces.

Interview Feedback: Stanford University

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Ah yes, my dream school. can't wait to go 0/2 at the farm
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Ah yes, my dream school. can't wait to go 0/2 at the farm
I’m only going if I get Knight Hennessy, Berg Scholar, or some Cush merit aid. That is, assuming there is an acceptance in the first place and I have others to choose from lol
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Same here. Wanted to go to Stanford since I was a little kid.
I grew up in East LA when we didn't have a football team, so I rooted for Stanford cardinal to be different from all my friends who cheered for UCLA or USC lol. And then they broke my heart lmao
I grew up in East LA when we didn't have a football team, so I rooted for Stanford cardinal to be different from all my friends who cheered for UCLA or USC lol. And then they broke my heart lmao
How are you a reapplicant? Is that a new MCAT score? That sucks...
I got an Associates from a school I didn’t even know I was enrolled in...does that count?

My point was for peanut butter to not count themselves out. We all like a good comeback story.
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I’m only going if I get Knight Hennessy, Berg Scholar, or some Cush merit aid. That is, assuming there is an acceptance in the first place and I have others to choose from lol

There is no merit aid at Stanford other than the KH -- Berg doesn't rly count because you are trading 2 more years of research for the associated financial support and it's mainly for people interested in becoming physician scientists (similarly, I wouldn't consider MSTP as merit aid, you're working for that money!).

That said, the need based aid is very generous (even for people in the middle income brackets) and there are multiple ways to supplement your financial support as a medical student by doing research (MedScholars) or TA-ing after your first year.

It's a bit early to be thinking about fin-aid but this page is helpful:

Here's the table for research/TA funding.

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There is no merit aid at Stanford other than the KH -- Berg doesn't rly count because you are trading 2 more years of research for the associated financial support and it's mainly for people interested in becoming physician scientists (similarly, I wouldn't consider MSTP as merit aid, you're working for that money!).

That said, the need based aid is very generous (even for people in the middle income brackets) and there are multiple ways to supplement your financial support as a medical student by doing research (MedScholars) or TA-ing after your first year.

It's a bit early to be thinking about fin-aid but this page is helpful:

Here's the table for research/TA funding.

Righteous! Thanks! Any idea who they classify for the full and maximum tiers?
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There is no merit aid at Stanford other than the KH -- Berg doesn't rly count because you are trading 2 more years of research for the associated financial support and it's mainly for people interested in becoming physician scientists (similarly, I wouldn't consider MSTP as merit aid, you're working for that money!).

That said, the need based aid is very generous (even for people in the middle income brackets) and there are multiple ways to supplement your financial support as a medical student by doing research (MedScholars) or TA-ing after your first year.

It's a bit early to be thinking about fin-aid but this page is helpful:

Here's the table for research/TA funding.

“will match parental offers of $6,750 per quarter” My parents will not be contributing anything towards my medical education just as they have not for undergrad. Does this mean Stanford will not contribute a middle income grant?
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“will match parental offers of $6,750 per quarter” My parents will not be contributing anything towards my medical education just as they have not for undergrad. Does this mean Stanford will not contribute a middle income grant?

I'm rly not the person to ask any very technical questions like that, but the finaid office is very friendly and helpful so when the time comes they will be pretty straight with you.
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This is the one school I am most excited, and least qualified, to apply to.
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Do they pre-screen or send secondaries to all applicants? Don't want to get my hopes up.
I believe everyone gets a secondary

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Could you post the prompts?
Same as last year:

The Committee on Admissions regards the diversity (broadly defined) of an entering class as an important factor in serving the educational mission of the school. The Committee on Admissions strongly encourages you to share unique, personally important, and/or challenging factors in your background, such as the quality of your early educational environment, socioeconomic status, culture, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and life or work experiences. Please discuss how factors have influenced your goals and preparation for a career in medicine. Please limit your answer to 2,000 characters including spaces.

What do you see as the most likely practice scenario for your future medical career?
Choose the single answer that best describes your career goals and clinical practice setting:
Academic Medicine (Clinical)
Academic Medicine (Physician Scientist)
Non-Academic Clinical Practice
Health Policy
Health Administration
Primary Care
Public Health/Community Health
Global Health

Why do you feel you are particularly suited for this practice scenario? What knowledge, skills and attitudes have you developed that have prepared you for this career path? Please limit your answer to 1,000 characters including spaces.

How will you take advantage of the Stanford Medicine Discovery Curriculum and scholarly concentration requirement to achieve your personal career goals? Please limit your answer to 1,000 characters including spaces.

Please include anything else that will help us understand better how you may uniquely contribute to Stanford Medicine? (OPTIONAL)Please limit your answer to 1,000 characters including spaces
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What are people thinking about the last question? Seems like a diversity prompt, but they already have one of those, so...?
Hell yes, I just wrote this one up and was hoping the questions wouldn't change.

What are people thinking about the last question? Seems like a diversity prompt, but they already have one of those, so...?

I ended up talking about my teaching background, since I used something else for the diversity prompt
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Im applying for the Berg Scholar's Program. Does anyone know if this will be the only time I'll have to apply for consideration? or is it more of an expression of interest? (whereby we apply again after M1)
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Im applying for the Berg Scholar's Program. Does anyone know if this will be the only time I'll have to apply for consideration? or is it more of an expression of interest? (whereby we apply again after M1)
The program is currently only available to matriculated Stanford MD students. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with Dr. Utz during the first year of medical school so he can assist with selecting a research mentor and to engage in career development activities. Students can apply in their second or third year of medical school. The Berg Scholars Program leadership is considering the possibility of allowing students to apply for the program concurrently with application to medical school
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The program is currently only available to matriculated Stanford MD students. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with Dr. Utz during the first year of medical school so he can assist with selecting a research mentor and to engage in career development activities. Students can apply in their second or third year of medical school. The Berg Scholars Program leadership is considering the possibility of allowing students to apply for the program concurrently with application to medical school

Just clarified this with one of the directors, that information is outdated.

This year, applicants who express interest in Berg scholars will be interviewed for the program prior to matriculating.
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Just clarified this with one of the directors, that information is outdated.

This year, applicants who express interest in Berg scholars will be interviewed for the program prior to matriculating.

Interesting. Have they told you how the interview process will be different for you applying directly, if at all?
Interesting. Have they told you how the interview process will be different for you applying directly, if at all?

Quoted from our exchange:

Me: Is the supplementary application for consideration for BWF? Or is it simply to express interest (after which a more formal application is submitted during medical school, per the BWF website)? In other words, are we considered for the fund upon matriculating or after M1?

Response: AMCAS will allow you to click a button that will ask you to apply for Berg Scholars, and to submit an essay on research. Applicants will be interviewed for Berg Scholars.
If I want to apply to the Bergs, then do I HAVE to indicate it now to even be “eligible.” Or can I just express interest later “if” I get in. I don’t want to do any extra writing ... but also don’t want to close doors on options
If I want to apply to the Bergs, then do I HAVE to indicate it now to even be “eligible.” Or can I just express interest later “if” I get in. I don’t want to do any extra writing ... but also don’t want to close doors on options

I am also curious about this. My assumption is that it would still be open to M1's? Idk this is all quite unclear.
Quoted from our exchange:

Me: Is the supplementary application for consideration for BWF? Or is it simply to express interest (after which a more formal application is submitted during medical school, per the BWF website)? In other words, are we considered for the fund upon matriculating or after M1?

Response: AMCAS will allow you to click a button that will ask you to apply for Berg Scholars, and to submit an essay on research. Applicants will be interviewed for Berg Scholars.
Wait, so did we need to specify on AMCAS primary? because it's not on there
In Stanford's secondary question about future practice scenarios, what is the difference between Academic Medicine (Clinical) vs. Academic Medicine (Physician Scientist)? Does Academic Medicine (Physician Scientist) refer to an MD-PhD, or could it mean a career in clinical research with just an MD, and does Academic Medicine (Clinical) refer mainly to being a clinician educator?
In Stanford's secondary question about future practice scenarios, what is the difference between Academic Medicine (Clinical) vs. Academic Medicine (Physician Scientist)? Does Academic Medicine (Physician Scientist) refer to an MD-PhD, or could it mean a career in clinical research with just an MD, and does Academic Medicine (Clinical) refer mainly to being a clinician educator?

Not every doctor that works in an academic medical center does research, so that would definitely put them in the first group? I also think though it might be valid to put academic medicine (clinical) even if you are interested in doing research, depending on how you envision dividing your time. i.e. just a couple projects you're doing on the side vs. managing a lab
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Way under-qualified, but still received a secondary.
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I fanboyed so hard on this secondary
  • Wow
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What is Academic Medicine (clinical)? My ideal profession would be doing some kind of research benefiting an underserved pop. while serving that population clinically.
What is Academic Medicine (clinical)? My ideal profession would be doing some kind of research benefiting an underserved pop. while serving that population clinically.
You are working for a Teaching hospital in Clinical Academic Medicine.
Still waiting on that secondary. Watching thread.
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Still waiting on that secondary. Watching thread.

Got my secondary. Keep in mind for KH applicants that you have to submit that application BEFORE you submit the secondary for Stanford. I'm going to submit both within the next few days/weeks depending on my recommender status for KH.
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Got my secondary. Keep in mind for KH applicants that you have to submit that application BEFORE you submit the secondary for Stanford. I'm going to submit both within the next few days/weeks depending on my recommender status for KH.

Did you get it today? Was wondering if any schools are sending them out on the holiday!
Did you get it today? Was wondering if any schools are sending them out on the holiday!

Apparently someone got Drexel’s secondary today. I haven’t gotten any today though.

Edit: Someone else got Keck’s today.
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Got my secondary. Keep in mind for KH applicants that you have to submit that application BEFORE you submit the secondary for Stanford. I'm going to submit both within the next few days/weeks depending on my recommender status for KH.
Where does it say you must submit KH before secondary? Gonna hop back on the KH tomorrow secondaries depending
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Where does it say you must submit KH before secondary? Gonna hop back on the KH tomorrow secondaries depending

It says it on the secondary on one of the first pages. Wasn't expecting that curveball, so it was a bit surprising when I read it. You need to enter your KH application submission number to submit the secondary if you indicate that you're applying to KH.
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