2022-2023 Waitlist Support Thread

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manifesting I get an acceptance off a waitlist this week ✨✨

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Manifesting I get off a WL this week ✨🙏🤞 Good luck to everyone on this thread!
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I have decided that I will be receiving an acceptance email/call from one of my waitlists (preferably top choice) today!
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I will be getting off the alternate list at my top choice and I will be celebrating by the end of the week!!
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I am manifesting that I will get an acceptance off a waitlist this week! Manifesting x3!
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Day 1 of the new week!!

I have decided that I will be receiving an acceptance email/call from my top choice waitlist school by the end of this week!
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Manifesting an acceptance this week and not another invitation to a master’s program where the message preview makes you think you got in 😭🙏😂😂
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Praying and manifesting an A this week!!! May the Texas waitlist energy be kind 🫡
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Praying and manifesting an A this week!!! May the Texas waitlist energy be kind 🫡

Yes!!! Praying and manifesting that A. Hope that TX waitlist is kind to us.
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🕯️ Once again I have decided that I will be accepted to by WL school today or next week!! 🕯️
I just got the call!!! First and only A of the cycle, legit cannot believe it. Wishing and praying for everyone else here, it's not over till it's over!!!
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I have decided that I will be receiving an acceptance email/call from my waitlist school by the end of this week!🙏

We got this, everyone! :clap:
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Manifesting x 3, please let me live my life now

I will get an acceptance off the waitlist this week!
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Manifesting an acceptance this week!

Having resisted the manifestation train thus far, if I get it after this I'm going to become alarmingly superstitious.
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I have decided I will be receiving an acceptance this week. Please and thank you.
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Manifesting an acceptance for the second time, but instead of being by the end of the month, I am manifesting for THIS WEEK! Please end my anguish 😣
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Manifesting getting off the waitlist this week and getting that one Texas A!!! Best wishes y'all!
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manifesting an acceptance!! today or this week I will get the call that I’ve been accepted off of the waitlist!!✨🔮
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I have decided that I will be receiving an acceptance email/call from my top-choice waitlist school by the end of this week!
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New week!

I have decided that I will be receiving an acceptance email from my waitlist school by the end of this week. Thank you 🙏
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That was quick! That turnaround time from manifestation to acceptance must be a record

Congratulations future doctor!
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Fourth time writing this. As they always say, fourth times the charm. I will be receiving an acceptance email this week!
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i will be receiving an acceptance email/call from my top choice this week!! congrats to those who heard back hehe, keep the manifestations going!! :D
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well ig it’s time to manifest then, congrats to everyone getting those A’s!

i will be receiving an acceptance email/call from my top choice this week!!
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Third time's the charm!!!

I have decided that I will be receiving an acceptance email/call from at least one of my waitlist schools this week!!!!!!!!!!! We must m a n i f e s t :xf::xf::xf:
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✨manifesting✨ an A from at least one of my waitlists by the END of this week!!! i have super high hopes and i will stay optimistic 🥺🤞
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I've decided that I and all my waitlist homies will be receiving an acceptance from our waitlist school(s) by the end of the month 🤞
Just got off this morning, first A of the cycle!! Still hoping for an A from my top choice, but it is unbelievably relieving to not have to reapply.

Waitlist purgatory is so mentally taxing and I'm going to pray hard for each and every one of you to get off your waitlists :)
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destinys child comeback GIF
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Just got off this morning, first A of the cycle!! Still hoping for an A from my top choice, but it is unbelievably relieving to not have to reapply.

Waitlist purgatory is so mentally taxing and I'm going to pray hard for each and every one of you to get off your waitlists :)
Seconding this to manifest that all my sdn homies get an acceptance from their top choice WL schools this week!! 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️
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every single day without hearing from my 5 wls is a bad day :( I am deep in reapp but still in pain
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Praying and manifesting I get an A this week… would love to actually enjoy memorial day weekend without crippling anxiety about the trajectory of my entire life🥹🥹🥹
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I've gotta get this off my chest - I feel so conflicted about whether it is even worth going through the hassle of re-applying this cycle. I really don't have anything major to add to my application if I were to re-apply. I also need to re-write my MCAT in order to re-apply this cycle because my score is expired now. This means that my app won't be considered until September (at least I think that's how it works). But September is still earlier than when I had my secondaries complete this year. I'm just having a hard time stomaching the reality of another two full gap years by not re-applying this next cycle.

At the same time, I want to put my best foot forward if I have to re-apply. To make things more ambiguous, I was also told by admissions for the school I'm WL at that they got to my spot on the alternate list in previous years, including last year, and that I'm in a relatively good spot...so there's reason to be optimistic. But I really don't want to place all my bets on this one waitlist cuz nothing is guaranteed.

What would you guys do? Do you think I should just start my re-app tomorrow? Would this give me time to still get my primary into the verification queue on time?
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only one-- but my state school is extremely OOS friendly and IS people want that tuition so bad bc we have few IS schools
I truly believe you’ll get off a WL soon! I’m keeping you in my prayers and sending good vibes
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I've gotta get this off my chest - I feel so conflicted about whether it is even worth going through the hassle of re-applying this cycle. I really don't have anything major to add to my application if I were to re-apply. I also need to re-write my MCAT in order to re-apply this cycle because my score is expired now. This means that my app won't be considered until September (at least I think that's how it works). But September is still earlier than when I had my secondaries complete this year. I'm just having a hard time stomaching the reality of another two full gap years by not re-applying this next cycle.

At the same time, I want to put my best foot forward if I have to re-apply. To make things more ambiguous, I was also told by admissions for the school I'm WL at that they got to my spot on the alternate list in previous years, including last year, and that I'm in a relatively good spot...so there's reason to be optimistic. But I really don't want to place all my bets on this one waitlist cuz nothing is guaranteed.

What would you guys do? Do you think I should just start my re-app tomorrow? Would this give me time to still get my primary into the verification queue on time?
I’m in the exact same predicament. I have many a responsibility now so the thought of taking a dedicated period to retake the MCAT makes me spiral as I currently work 2 full time jobs bc my SMP was a very wild cost and I have lots of bills. And now that I’m an oldie I won’t get the FAP bc I won’t be using my moms taxes. I decided that I won’t start my reapp until the last day of June. That gives me enough time to figure out my next step.

But hoping and praying that won’t be the case! I’m both praying to God and manifesting to the universe that we will all get off our WL. I have been given a wealth of amazing opportunities and every time things have worked out in the end even when I lost hope. I am believing that for all of us. We are all deserving. We’ve all worked hard and I believe the sleepless nights, sacrifices, and money spent won’t be in vain. Cheers to all of us future doctors. There is a seat for us all at the table.
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I've gotta get this off my chest - I feel so conflicted about whether it is even worth going through the hassle of re-applying this cycle. I really don't have anything major to add to my application if I were to re-apply. I also need to re-write my MCAT in order to re-apply this cycle because my score is expired now. This means that my app won't be considered until September (at least I think that's how it works). But September is still earlier than when I had my secondaries complete this year. I'm just having a hard time stomaching the reality of another two full gap years by not re-applying this next cycle.

At the same time, I want to put my best foot forward if I have to re-apply. To make things more ambiguous, I was also told by admissions for the school I'm WL at that they got to my spot on the alternate list in previous years, including last year, and that I'm in a relatively good spot...so there's reason to be optimistic. But I really don't want to place all my bets on this one waitlist cuz nothing is guaranteed.

What would you guys do? Do you think I should just start my re-app tomorrow? Would this give me time to still get my primary into the verification queue on time?
My advice from someone who has been in a similar position: please only reapply when your app is significantly stronger and when you can apply early and on time. You want the best chance of acceptance. I should have taken one more year off before applying to really fix some of the weaknesses on my application, because even though I did make improvements, it wasn't enough and I ended up with 5 MD waitlists (I was waitlisted last time too). If you do not want a repeat of waitlist purgatory, I recommend taking the year off, making a game plan for strengthening your app, and coming in strong the next time.

The urgency and delay can feel terrible, but remember that you can live a great life even if you aren't admitted to school yet. Great things can happen to you in a gap year and you can make great things out of your life. It's disappointing, but in my (sadly) experienced opinion, less disappointing than ending up in the same situation over again.
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I've gotta get this off my chest - I feel so conflicted about whether it is even worth going through the hassle of re-applying this cycle. I really don't have anything major to add to my application if I were to re-apply. I also need to re-write my MCAT in order to re-apply this cycle because my score is expired now. This means that my app won't be considered until September (at least I think that's how it works). But September is still earlier than when I had my secondaries complete this year. I'm just having a hard time stomaching the reality of another two full gap years by not re-applying this next cycle.

At the same time, I want to put my best foot forward if I have to re-apply. To make things more ambiguous, I was also told by admissions for the school I'm WL at that they got to my spot on the alternate list in previous years, including last year, and that I'm in a relatively good spot...so there's reason to be optimistic. But I really don't want to place all my bets on this one waitlist cuz nothing is guaranteed.

What would you guys do? Do you think I should just start my re-app tomorrow? Would this give me time to still get my primary into the verification queue on time?
Personally I think I would wait a year. It’s a lot of money and time to spend re-applying if you don’t have anything significant to add. I would retake the MCAT and add some super worthwhile activities to my resume during this year and then go again next year. Just one person’s opinion. But I’m burned out from this application process so don’t listen to me 😂
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I feel like I should take another year to add some significant changes to my reapp but I also already took several gap years after switching to premed kind of late so I can't imagine two more gap years 😓 damn this process sucks
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