AAMC sample test

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Nov 1, 2015
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So I just took the AAMC sample test and for the people who took that one before and took the actual MCAT, do you think the they are both the same difficulty or is the sample test a bit harder? I was looking at one of the excel files where people indicated their full length scores and what they got on the actual exam, and it seemed like people got higher scores on the actual exam compared to the practice sample full length by AAMC

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Some people do worse, some do better. So it could be harder or easier than your actual test. It sort of varies. I'd say it's pretty indicative though!
So I just took the AAMC sample test and for the people who took that one before and took the actual MCAT, do you think the they are both the same difficulty or is the sample test a bit harder? I was looking at one of the excel files where people indicated their full length scores and what they got on the actual exam, and it seemed like people got higher scores on the actual exam compared to the practice sample full length by AAMC
How did the exam actually match up to your real test? Did you have all 3 practice tests from the AAMC? Which companies did you use to practice?