ATTENTION: Spouses and Significant Others


Fossil Bouncer Emeritus
Moderator Emeritus
10+ Year Member
20+ Year Member
Feb 26, 1999
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Hey, did you know you're one of the most important factors in enabling your spouse or significant other [SO] to pursue their dreams of becoming a physician. However, does it seem as though you're stuck "behind the scenes".

Well, my wife [Wendy] & another pre-med spouse [Barbara] are creating a list-serve specifically directed to the needs, support and questions that you may have. Simply go to and enroll in the list-serve: PreMedSpouses. On the OneList hompage, simply eneter PreMedSpouses into the search window, then join.

Any questions, e-mail [email protected] or [email protected]


'Old Man Dave'
KCOM, Class of '03

Nothing Risked, Nothing Gained!!

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Thank you for the link! :)

-- oh wait I just went there and searched for PreMedSpouses- I didn't find anything!
Members don't see this ad :)
Thanks OMD for sharing the link!! I really, honestly believe that the best thing for spouses/partners is to have contact with other spouses/partners. Knowing what might be coming up is the best way to prepare for it.

I was wondering though, the site is called 'premedspouses' - is it only for premeds?

Take care!!
With smiles,
KCOM spouse of an almost MSIIIer!!
it goes to yahoo groups and i don't see premedspouses as a group??