Bogus fact regarding Dentists??

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Mar 27, 2001
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I posted this topic on another thread but didn't get a response and I am really curious about it--so I posted it again.

Can someone who has information about HOW dentists got the reputation of having a high suicide rate tell me where the heck this came from? From what I have heard (and I don't know how accurate this is), dentists earned this reputation after a research article was published in the early 1980s. This article compared different professions vs. the percentage of people that committed suicide in that profession, and it was determined that dentists had one of the highest percentage doing themselves in. However, the validity of this research article after further evaluation was shown to be unfounded. From what I understand, major assumptions were made, claims were stated that weren't substantiated, and information was skewed. After much controversy, it was concluded that this article was inaccurate and any info. in it was not to be taken as valid. Sadly though, the reputation of dentists having a high suicide rate STUCK and people never really forget about it.

Now, I haven't actually read this article nor do I know if it actually EXISTS, but this is info. I read from reading a response in a website forum. Also, I heard this info. from a couple pre-dent students. Does anyone know anything about this because if this research publication does not exist, I sure would love to know where the heck dentists got the bad rap of being victims of a high suicide rate.

Another thing, I don't see HOW dentists could have high suicide rates. From every angle you look at the profession, it is incredible--much better than the stressful, hair-pulling, and overworked profession of the MD...hehe (sorry MDs).

Anyway, any info about this would be greatly appreciated!


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I remember hearing how the sample they take was too small to be taken seriously. Searching the net for the topic, I found too many article that start by saying: "We all know that dentist have higher suicide rate.." or "According to several studies..."

There's even a dentist who responds to it vaguely, nodding slightly that the reports are true.
I don't want to name names, so see the doctor name yourself in this link below.

>is also a clinical instructor at University of Pacific School of Dentistry and an editor for Dentistry On-Line.,3435,6776,00.html

My respond is: show me the reports!!!

As one who does media research daily for the column of an int'l columnist, I deal daily with the task to separate facts from 'facts.' And mind you some 'facts' could even come from news source such as New York Times.

Case in point:
1998, US Media reports that Kim Jong Il is a SOB Playboy who is unfit to govern N. Korea, and that his only claim to fame is being the son of the venerated Kim Il Song. Fast forward to 2000, KJI is suddenly a leader with profound new ideas : cooperation with S Korea's Kim Dae Jung and the Sunshine Policy. Has KJI changes in 2 years? IMHO, not bloody likely. The only thing that has changed is the US Press coverage of him. Why? E-mail me if you're interested in Korean Politics. I rather not deviate from the topic of dentistry in this posting.

Forgive me for I've digressed, my point is, I have found no report-not-to-mention-reports that could hold water to this claim.

There is a high suicide rate amongst professionals, but I don't believe dentist hold the record for it. We as a dental community would be better served if this confounded lie would expire - COD: suicide.
I hate that I can't give you a website to look at or any other resource so you can verify this, but I remember reading a while ago that some "researcher" (I think in CA) was going through death certificates and noticed a several death certificates from dentists that listed their cause of death as suicide. I don't know if this was the actual "data" he used to write his "discovery," or if he used this info as a springboard to look at more death certificates and then publish his findings, but I do know that his theory could not be proven by any other researcher and that it was basically a load of B.S.
I was told that the reasoning for this was that dentists sit over top of people all day long and inflict pain on people (cause really, if you think about it, going to the dentist doesn't feel too good, does it?).

All they see is faces that show pain. I can see how that might lead someone into depression or something...