Can a 17 year old with ID pick up a controlled substance without a parent?

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Jun 29, 2011
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Well, can they? Here are some of the responses I've heard

  • Yes because they are the patient the prescription is written for and the ID proves who they are.
  • No because they cannot sign for it since it is a legal document and minors cannot enter into legal agreements.
  • No because they're a minor. They need an adult.

I've searched the Texas rules and haven't seen anything. Is there anything on the federal books about it?

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In NY, they don't even need an ID. You're gonna need a state law expert on this one.
A new law in Wisconsin requires an id to pick up any C-2/C-3 medications. You'll need to review your state law and your company's policies.
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You have to have an ID in FL for any controls but I don't know of any law limiting a minors ability to pick up a control, as long as they have an ID. Certainly no federal law. I don't know Texas law of course but I doubt it specifically prevents a minor from being able to pick up a control.
Are minors allowed to sign for picked up medication?
I would contest that the pick up log is a legal agreement. At best it is an acknowledgement (neither party has "agreed" to do anything). If your state does not prohibit minors from picking up their own prescription, then I would say that they are allowed to pick up any Rx.
in my state no ID, however I don't allow anyone under 18 to pick up a rx.
in my state no ID, however I don't allow anyone under 18 to pick up a rx.
You know that this can be considered "refusal of service."

So, if you have a 17 year old who wants to pick up her BC, you are going to refuse and make her go get her parent? Sounds like a board complaint waiting to happen without company policy or regulation to back you up.
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You know that this can be considered "refusal of service."

So, if you have a 17 year old who wants to pick up her BC, you are going to refuse and make her go get her parent? Sounds like a board complaint waiting to happen without company policy or regulation to back you up.
i could not agree with you more. it is crazy to see how some rphs think.
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I would contest that the pick up log is a legal agreement. At best it is an acknowledgement (neither party has "agreed" to do anything). If your state does not prohibit minors from picking up their own prescription, then I would say that they are allowed to pick up any Rx.

I would say it is not a contract at any rate and see no reason why a minor cannot pickup their own medicine.
I do not know any state laws that would not allow a minor to pick up their own medications. I also can not apprehend why a patient can not pick up their own medication. How did this even come about?
In fact, last time I checked "refused to sign" is a perfectly valid patient response - you cannot deny a patient their medication based on them refusing to sign. Or at least that is the way it was taught in my law class. So even if we agreed that minors cannot sign a pick up log for some reason, that doesn't preclude them from pickup up their medications.
Neither California nor federal law has age restrictions related to whom may pick up a controlled or non-controlled drug prescription at the pharmacy, and in such situations, you must use your professional judgment. However, be aware that section 4075 of the Business and Professions Code (B&PC) requires proof of identity from anyone picking up a prescription that was orally or electronically transmitted to the pharmacy.
Script July 2011
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Neither California nor federal law has age restrictions related to whom may pick up a controlled or non-controlled drug prescription at the pharmacy, and in such situations, you must use your professional judgment. However, be aware that section 4075 of the Business and Professions Code (B&PC) requires proof of identity from anyone picking up a prescription that was orally or electronically transmitted to the pharmacy.
Script July 2011

Thank you for the tip. By the way, mona2004 posted the exact quote from Board of Pharmacy, so, allow me to emphasize in exact quotation and link:

Can an individual under 18 years of age pick up any
controlled or non-controlled substance prescription for
a parent or any another person? Some non-controlled
prescription drugs may still have abuse potential.

A. Neither California nor federal law has age restrictions related
to whom may pick up a controlled or non-controlled drug
prescription at the pharmacy, and in such situations, you
must use your professional judgment. However, be aware
that section 4075 of the Business and Professions Code
(B&PC) requires proof of identity from anyone picking up a
prescription that was orally or electronically transmitted to
the pharmacy.

Link to find the Script:‎

To save your time, I even attached the Original Script here for reference so you do not even have to find the Script. Please see page 15 of the Script of July 2011


  • 11_jul_script, FOCUS, page 15, shows anyone can pickup med, controlled or not controlled.pdf
    616 KB · Views: 80