Can I get a 500-503 by June 1st?

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Sep 8, 2018
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Diagnostic AAMC 492- 118 125 122 126

Let me give some background context as to why I am in a rush. I have been providing for my parents financially for over 2 years, my father is suffering from UIP and you literally have to LISTEN to the person suffering from all of the coughing. I help my parents take care of this house/ property. I used to work full time but I am finally able to come down to 3 days a week so I can get to studying

I started studying last week. I am done with PS Content and started U-earth there, I am halfway through BB content and will move on to CP Content and start BB U-earth.

I just need a 500-505 since I am only doing DO, The rest of my app is pretty good.

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Is June 1 your test date? A 500-503 by then is definitely feasible, especially if you're able to ramp up your studying. I think a lot of people have said that a 500 is accomplishable just through pure content review; it's only scores above 510 where strategy really comes into play.

Don't forget to keep the PS refreshed; mix it up every now and then.
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Yeah I think with dedicated review given that you're starting at a 492 baseline (especially with a low CP) you should see some pretty quick gains; just remember to stick with it
What resources are you using? There are some great ones out there that aren't as known as the 300pg P/S notes but are really condensed (e.g., 90 page Miledown review sheets, etc)