COMQuest, Vs TrueLearn (COMBANK), Vs UWorld dillema

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2+ Year Member
May 10, 2021
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Hello - OMS-2 here, only taking COMPLEX level 1 in 40 days. Only done with 25% of Q from COMQuest and UWorld as of now, so can't finish both Qbank by the test date. And done 10 % of TrueLearn (COMBANK)

Personally feel the actual Qs on Level 1 are more similar to the COMQuest than UWorld, although UWorld has better questions, esp for USMLE 1. Anyone who took the test last year or this year has recommendations which Q bank I should complete?

Thanks in advance!

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Hello - OMS-2 here, only taking COMPLEX level 1 in 40 days. Only done with 25% of Q from COMQuest and UWorld as of now, so can't finish both Qbank by the test date. And done 10 % of TrueLearn (COMBANK)

Personally feel the actual Qs on Level 1 are more similar to the COMQuest than UWorld, although UWorld has better questions, esp for USMLE 1. Anyone who took the test last year or this year has recommendations which Q bank I should complete?

Thanks in advance!
Grind out as much UWorld as you can. Hammer some OMM only questions 2-3 days before COMLEX on TrueLearn. You need to be taking COMSAEs to see where you are at. In my opinion, the real deal questions were harder than TrueLearn and I'm glad I ditched it for UWorld early in my dedicated.
Thx @Faster Horses. Did my first COMSAE on May 1 (485)- taking my second COMSAE 2 weeks before Level 1. In terms of style and complexity, were the real deal Q similar to COMQuest or UWorld or COMLEX?
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UW questions were nothing like comlex but helps you understand important pathophysiology concepts that are extremely valuable for level 2, and UW will explain things better in general. Comlex is a lot of 1st-order questions iirc, so flashcards like anking did pay off heavily. Honestly if you learn sketchy micro and pharm cold, anyone should pass level 1 comlex.

COMSAEs are trash and not representative at all of exam content, or predictive. I think 485 is really good for your first comsae.