Considering Taking a Rural Med but a little apprehensive.

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Audacious MD

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May 29, 2009
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Hello I am a 3rd year FM resident. I was offered a job I can't pass up, the only thing is I'm required to do ER. We did not have much training in my residency program for ER, but I am required to do one day a week and one weekend a month. What can I do to get training additional training. It is a 25 bed critical access hospital with 3 patient visits per day. The do get codes and traumas, am I making big mistake by taking it? I will also be doing clinic and some inpatient which I'm very comfortable with, just not very comfortable with intubations and lines?

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Hello I am a 3rd year FM resident. I was offered a job I can't pass up, the only thing is I'm required to do ER. We did not have much training in my residency program for ER, but I am required to do one day a week and one weekend a month. What can I do to get training additional training. It is a 25 bed critical access hospital with 3 patient visits per day. The do get codes and traumas, am I making big mistake by taking it? I will also be doing clinic and some inpatient which I'm very comfortable with, just not very comfortable with intubations and lines?
Youre a 3rd year now so you have some elective time i would assume. A trauma rotation, if possible, ER rotations and an anesthesia rotation. I would explain your future job to preceptors and what skills you are trying to gain. Try to do ATLS this year as well.
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Youre a 3rd year now so you have some elective time i would assume. A trauma rotation, if possible, ER rotations and an anesthesia rotation. I would explain your future job to preceptors and what skills you are trying to gain. Try to do ATLS this year as well.
Thank you very much I already plan to do all of those except a Trauma rotation as this one is not available to me, any other options for that besides just ATLS?