Future DVMs- C/O 2021!

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Hahaha Wild Zoo wasn't too harsh. Definitely didn't sugar coat it though. I think frozen shades's comments were the harshest/ least sugarcoated haha.

Really? I donf win the harsh award? Darn! I always strive to make people fear me :D

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I was just on Mississippi States website and saw something that I hadn't thought about. So far I've only taken Physics 1 and made a D. I will be retaking it this fall, and then physics 2 in the spring. But, I'll have to submit my vmcas in September.
The MSU page said any retakes or remediate do courses must be completed prior to applying, not matriculation. Am I ok taking physics in the fall and spring? Now I'm worried. I'm not applying to MSU but I wonder if any other schools are going to see a big fat D and throw my app out.
I'm glad you caught this, because this is a detail that is easily missed by some (I've hear horror stories). I'm pretty sure you'll have to find a way to retake that course this summer to qualify for admissions, well, anywhere. No school accepts below a C-, and many do not accept below a C in pre-reqs. You'd be trying to apply with a D. You'd have to find schools that don't have physics as a prereq, and I don't think there are any. As far as I know, the intention to repeat doesn't make this grade forgiven.

Definitely worth confirming with the schools you're applying to, but I'd do that like tomorrow. You need to be able to find a summer class possibly. Michigan State offers both physics I and II online last I checked. I'm sure there are other schools that do as well.
Better finding out now than after you've spent several hundreds of dollars on applications only to be auto-rejected by all of the schools you picked. Things like that do happen over grades, letter of rec requirements, and so on. Hopefully you hear back from the schools soon to confirm.
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I'm pretty sure I posted this before, but since many people are posting their choices I'll share.

Texas A&M (IS)

I'm debating about adding Purdue and/or Kansas. Not sure which to add. I like the idea of small class size of Purdue, but fewer slots mean less chances of getting in. As for Kansas, I think I fit the stats better. However, I would be more interested in living in Indiana than in Kansas.
Better finding out now than after you've spent several hundreds of dollars on applications only to be auto-rejected by all of the schools you picked. Things like that do happen over grades, letter of rec requirements, and so on. Hopefully you hear back from the schools soon to confirm.
Yeah. I just figured since I'll have to enter what courses I'm taking in the fall and plan to take in the spring, I'd be ok. I'll get in touch with individual schools today. I'm sure I'm not the only person who's been in this situation.
Yeah. I just figured since I'll have to enter what courses I'm taking in the fall and plan to take in the spring, I'd be ok. I'll get in touch with individual schools today. I'm sure I'm not the only person who's been in this situation.

No you're definitely not alone in this situation. I also have a D on my transcript but have taken similar classes and advanced classes in that subject (Bio). Most of the schools I have talked with stated they would accept the higher bio as a replacement for that one class. If you find that you absolutely need to take Physics this summer in order for it to count, you could try looking at UNE's health professions science pre reqs. They're all online and you do them at your own pace but have to completed within 16 weeks of enrolling in the course. The kicker is they're wicked expensive. http://online.une.edu/science-prerequisites/
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I had a few questions so far. I'm following the transcript I have for school so there are TR and CR and P. I'm assuming this is ok to have on VMCAS? Also, for the classes I'm planning on taking can the grade be WIP? For one of my experiences in oncology I was a volunteer last summer and now an assistant this summer (paid). Pretty similar job but I just have a little more responsibility as an assistant. Should I split theses up or just combine them and specify that I was a volunteer then an assistant. I just didn't want the duties to seem repetitive
I had a few questions so far. I'm following the transcript I have for school so there are TR and CR and P. I'm assuming this is ok to have on VMCAS? Also, for the classes I'm planning on taking can the grade be WIP? For one of my experiences in oncology I was a volunteer last summer and now an assistant this summer (paid). Pretty similar job but I just have a little more responsibility as an assistant. Should I split theses up or just combine them and specify that I was a volunteer then an assistant. I just didn't want the duties to seem repetitive

I would split your two experiences, especially since it changed from being a volunteer to a paid experience. The duties aren't quite the same, and it would highlight that you advanced within the same organization.
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Any other re-applicants waiting fort he dust to settle a bit before jumping in? I just feel like somehow the info transfer won't go well.
UC Davis is notoriously difficult to get in OOS, unless you have the best of the best stats (I don't know what your stats are though). Ohio and Washington allow you to get IS tuition after your first year if you meet certain criteria. I believe Missouri allows that too and is fairly inexpensive compared to some schools.

Thanks, and I know UC Davis is really hard OOS, and my stats are not great overall but I do have somewhere close to a 3.9 science and a 4.0 last 45 which are the parts they consider. That and quant GRE which I got a 162. I'm hoping that will be enough to get me an interview, because my other stats kind of stink :p.
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me, right now:
spongebob im fine.jpg
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Yeah. I just figured since I'll have to enter what courses I'm taking in the fall and plan to take in the spring, I'd be ok. I'll get in touch with individual schools today. I'm sure I'm not the only person who's been in this situation.

There are several school that don't need physics, but the only one I can think of is Washington state lol. I'm sure if you clarify ahead of time they'll be fine with it. I have several prereqs outstanding and they're ok with that. I think of it as just a prereq you need to take.
@lhmhtd Iowa State only requires the first semester of physics, if that interests you at all. They also focus solely on science/pre-req GPA and last 45 hours GPA (they do require a 2.5 cumulative, but they don't actually use it in admissions calculations at all... thankfully for me). May be a school to look into if your science grades are generally high and you have a nice upward trend.
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@lhmhtd Iowa State only requires the first semester of physics, if that interests you at all. They also focus solely on science/pre-req GPA and last 45 hours GPA (they do require a 2.5 cumulative, but they don't actually use it in admissions calculations at all... thankfully for me). May be a school to look into if your science grades are generally high and you have a nice upward trend.

Yup Iowa is already on my list, thanks for the info though, I didn't know they didn't look at cumulative for admissions. Clearly my past self knew and made the decision for me lol.
So most of what I've heard says include experiences from high school. Does this only mean relevant (aka animal) experiences? Should I add any of the other extracurriculars, or especially leadership experience I have from high school, even if they're for my Italian Honor Society or something totally non-animal? Also, according to the VMCAS FAQ it says "Q: How far back in my career should I list experiences? A: Anything relevant" - so should I include my zoo experience from middle school? I have (I think) plenty of hours without it, including zoo, and it would only add 50 or so.
Ok heard back from UGA so far. They said because you input your "in progress" courses, this allows them to know which courses are currently being taken or will be taken in the future. So long as they're all completed by spring semester of matriculating year, all is well.
They also only look at the highest grade you receive in any pre reqs which is nice. She did say it's better to have all courses completed before applying, but not required.
Well at least im still in the running at UGA, my IS. It is my last on the list of preferred schools, mainly because I hate it here in Athens, but hey, a girl will take what she can get.
(just made myself think of, "a girl has no name" :D)
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Ok heard back from UGA so far. They said because you input your "in progress" courses, this allows them to know which courses are currently being taken or will be taken in the future. So long as they're all completed by spring semester of matriculating year, all is well.
They also only look at the highest grade you receive in any pre reqs which is nice. She did say it's better to have all courses completed before applying, but not required.
Well at least im still in the running at UGA, my IS. It is my last on the list of preferred schools, mainly because I hate it here in Athens, but hey, a girl will take what she can get.
(just made myself think of, "a girl has no name" :D)
Good to hear! Crisis averted? Haha.
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So most of what I've heard says include experiences from high school. Does this only mean relevant (aka animal) experiences? Should I add any of the other extracurriculars, or especially leadership experience I have from high school, even if they're for my Italian Honor Society or something totally non-animal? Also, according to the VMCAS FAQ it says "Q: How far back in my career should I list experiences? A: Anything relevant" - so should I include my zoo experience from middle school? I have (I think) plenty of hours without it, including zoo, and it would only add 50 or so.
I'd say to add any and everything you can, animal-related or otherwise. I had a bunch of extracurricular/community service type stuff from high school that I listed in VMCAS. Clearly didn't hurt me. Absolute worst case but extremely unlikely scenario, a school doesn't want to see it, in which case it will simply be ignored. There's no real harm in covering all of your bases.

Heck, I listed a few animal experiences from middle and elementary school. They were pretty minor (all <100 hrs), so they wouldn't make or break anything, but hey. Go for it.
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Good to hear! Crisis averted? Haha.
Maybe. Still going to go ahead and retake Phys 1 this summer, which I had not planned on. I am not stoked about that. It's literally like sitting in a swahili class- i never understand what the professor is talking about and i just smile and nod so i don't cry. I need to hire a tutor. Give me a biochemistry question or calculus problem and im good, but physics, I just. don't. get. Its very frustrating. Thanks for your help btw.
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Question: For those who have already graduated, are y'all planning on listing under the Accomplishment section if you graduated with "Cum Laude/Magna Cum Laude/Summa Cum Laude?" I didn't think about doing it last cycle, but it is still an accomplishment.

Also, I recently took a short online course titled "Basic Security in the Field II," from the United Nations Department of Safety and Security. I got a certificate, valid for 3 years, after completing it. I was told that it could be listed on a Resume. So I was wondering if y'all thought it would be worth it to mention it in the "Accomplishments section."
Maybe. Still going to go ahead and retake Phys 1 this summer, which I had not planned on. I am not stoked about that. It's literally like sitting in a swahili class- i never understand what the professor is talking about and i just smile and nod so i don't cry. I need to hire a tutor. Give me a biochemistry question or calculus problem and im good, but physics, I just. don't. get. Its very frustrating. Thanks for your help btw.

Are you taking a calc based physics? If not, you might actually find that easier.
Also, I will be able to start looking at personal statements next week if anyone wants another set of eyes to look over theirs. I've got a couple more finals and graduation this week, but I really don't have any plans for this summer outside of preparing to move, so have at it.

Those of you who've already sent me theirs for editing: I'm sorry! I know it has been a while, but I've been swamped the past few weeks. I fully intend on getting back to you with your statements soon!
Question: For those who have already graduated, are y'all planning on listing under the Accomplishment section if you graduated with "Cum Laude/Magna Cum Laude/Summa Cum Laude?" I didn't think about doing it last cycle, but it is still an accomplishment.

Also, I recently took a short online course titled "Basic Security in the Field II," from the United Nations Department of Safety and Security. I got a certificate, valid for 3 years, after completing it. I was told that it could be listed on a Resume. So I was wondering if y'all thought it would be worth it to mention it in the "Accomplishments section."
I would say absolutely to both. :)
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Hi guys! I'm a first time applicant this year and super super excited :):) I am non-traditional- 25yo with a low undergrad GPA, but I've been working really hard in the past year to make up for my mistakes and I'm hoping it'll all pay off! I'm planning on applying to: UF, UPenn, UMN, Michigan, MWU, Western, and Cornell. Still not 100% sure on my choices and want to do some further research on a few more schools, though. If anyone could suggest some more schools that don't look at cumulative too much (besides Iowa-saw that up higher), I'd appreciate it! I have excellent GRE scores and a solid Last 45 GPA.
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Maybe. Still going to go ahead and retake Phys 1 this summer, which I had not planned on. I am not stoked about that. It's literally like sitting in a swahili class- i never understand what the professor is talking about and i just smile and nod so i don't cry. I need to hire a tutor. Give me a biochemistry question or calculus problem and im good, but physics, I just. don't. get. Its very frustrating. Thanks for your help btw.

Funny thing is that I'm the opposite! The only thing in calculus that made sense to me was differential equations. Pretty much every other part of calculus I hated. But Physics, I loved! When I took Physics everything just clicked. 'Though I also had a really good teacher who was very helpful and explained everything well. Perhaps try hiring a tutor and try taking the class from a different teacher (if the option is available).
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Hi guys! I'm a first time applicant this year and super super excited :):) I am non-traditional- 25yo with a low undergrad GPA, but I've been working really hard in the past year to make up for my mistakes and I'm hoping it'll all pay off! I'm planning on applying to: UF, UPenn, UMN, Michigan, MWU, Western, and Cornell. Still not 100% sure on my choices and want to do some further research on a few more schools, though. If anyone could suggest some more schools that don't look at cumulative too much (besides Iowa-saw that up higher), I'd appreciate it! I have excellent GRE scores and a solid Last 45 GPA.

Hows your science GPA? I'm in basically the same boat. UC Davis doesn't even look at your cumulative GPA, but they are super competitive. Kansas also doesn't really care about your cumulative if I remember right. Both those school are heavy weighting science GPA though.
So I took ROTC for two years, some of which involved taking classes on the Air Force. I'm not sure what subject this is. It's listed as AS on my transcript, but I don't know what that means. Should I put it under history? We basically covered history, and tactics. I just don't want to put it under aerospace because that implies something way different. Any thoughts?
Funny thing is that I'm the opposite! The only thing in calculus that made sense to me was differential equations. Pretty much every other part of calculus I hated. But Physics, I loved! When I took Physics everything just clicked. 'Though I also had a really good teacher who was very helpful and explained everything well. Perhaps try hiring a tutor and try taking the class from a different teacher (if the option is available).
It's funny that we are all so different. I was purposely waiting till the fall so that i could get a different professor, but wouldn't ya know it, the only option this summer is the same guy. I don't know what it is, but my learning style just did not mesh with his teaching. Id literally rather take all of organic chem over again than physics.
It's funny that we are all so different. I was purposely waiting till the fall so that i could get a different professor, but wouldn't ya know it, the only option this summer is the same guy. I don't know what it is, but my learning style just did not mesh with his teaching. Id literally rather take all of organic chem over again than physics.

That's annoying that there isn't another teacher option. =/ Definitely try to get the best tutor you can find to help out. Also, if you didn't before, try meeting with the teacher 1 on 1 to go over material you didn't understand after class. My Ochem teacher wasn't the best at teaching, but she explained things very well when we met with her 1 on 1. Another suggestion, there are lots of videos on youtube that relate to science topics. When I was in undergrad, if I didn't understand something I would also look up youtube video relating to the topic. Maybe one of the many youtube professors will make physics a little more understandable to you.
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That's annoying that there isn't another teacher option. =/ Definitely try to get the best tutor you can find to help out. Also, if you didn't before, try meeting with the teacher 1 on 1 to go over material you didn't understand after class. My Ochem teacher wasn't the best at teaching, but she explained things very well when we met with her 1 on 1. Another suggestion, there are lots of videos on youtube that relate to science topics. When I was in undergrad, if I didn't understand something I would also look up youtube video relating to the topic. Maybe one of the many youtube professors will make physics a little more understandable to you.
Great ideas. Thanks so much!
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Ditto on reading PS! Bring them on if you have them. I like the break from thesis writing. :cool:

So this may be on the VMCAS page but I can't find it. How do you enter coursework that was taken as a pass/fail? My kinesiology class at my school gives you either an Satisfactory (S) or a Fail (F).

You just enter the grade as "pass" and mark the credits as "0.0". The grade will not affect your GPA and schools will be able to see the class(es) you have taken that were Pass/Fail.
Heard back from Mizzou as well. This was news to me: they don't require a C or better in any prereqs, only that you passed (so anything above an F). Also, any number of pre reqs may be in progress in the Fall semester, but only 2 can still be in progress during the Spring of matriculating year. Guess I'm golden there too. *Bonus* I technically don't have to retake physics. SO TEMPTING. I doubt many students get in with Ds though.
Let's get those C/O 2021 threads started yall! I've seen a couple :)
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Where is the pre-req sections you guys are talking about? In my transcript entry I just have the option to click on my schools. When I click on my schools, I have the options to add a course/add a semester. No pre-req list, no check boxes...nada.

In the test version I also had an option to review transcripts and that has disappeared. Should I contact VMCAS?
Where is the pre-req sections you guys are talking about? In my transcript entry I just have the option to click on my schools. When I click on my schools, I have the options to add a course/add a semester. No pre-req list, no check boxes...nada.

In the test version I also had an option to review transcripts and that has disappeared. Should I contact VMCAS?

It's in the program materials section and not all schools will have it so it depends which ones you selected. (The pre-req section that is)
Heard back from Mizzou as well. This was news to me: they don't require a C or better in any prereqs, only that you passed (so anything above an F). Also, any number of pre reqs may be in progress in the Fall semester, but only 2 can still be in progress during the Spring of matriculating year. Guess I'm golden there too. *Bonus* I technically don't have to retake physics. SO TEMPTING. I doubt many students get in with Ds though.
Mizzou is very big on cumulative GPA, just in case that matters to you, and they don't consider science or pre-req GPA at all. If they weren't my IS, I honestly wouldn't have even bothered applying last cycle. Based on the average accepted GPAs for the past few years, I doubt many successful applicants to the school had more than maybe one D on their transcript. :shrug:
Maybe. Still going to go ahead and retake Phys 1 this summer, which I had not planned on. I am not stoked about that. It's literally like sitting in a swahili class- i never understand what the professor is talking about and i just smile and nod so i don't cry. I need to hire a tutor. Give me a biochemistry question or calculus problem and im good, but physics, I just. don't. get. Its very frustrating. Thanks for your help btw.

I got an A in Physics I and a B second semester. And though I felt the same way you did at first I found things that worked for me. You can message me here or know fb anytime and I'd be glad to help!
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I got an A in Physics I and a B second semester. And though I felt the same way you did at first I found things that worked for me. You can message me here or know fb anytime and I'd be glad to help!
I also earned an A in physics 1 and am willing to help or even just answer questions, @lhmhtd, whether on FB or SDN. Hopefully between the two of us, you are able to knock that ish out. :)
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Do some schools not count music classes as humanities? Purdue's website says that the humanities are cognitive and social sciences.... Which would suck because I've taken a lot of music classes over the years to fulfill my humanities/ diversity/ international credits..

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Do some schools not count music classes as humanities? Purdue's website says that the humanities are cognitive and social sciences.... Which would suck because I've taken a lot of music classes over the years to fulfill my humanities/ diversity/ international credits..

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I would contact Purdue and ask. However, music classes aren't really a thing at Purdue, so I'm tempted to say they won't accept them but you never know.
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Do some schools not count music classes as humanities? Purdue's website says that the humanities are cognitive and social sciences.... Which would suck because I've taken a lot of music classes over the years to fulfill my humanities/ diversity/ international credits..

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I'd think if the classes were like music history, music appreciation, etc, they'd fit that Bill. Could be wrong though