Help!!! Comment/ input welcome!!!

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Sep 13, 2012
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Help plz!!! I'm getting desperate. I'm really want to go pharmacy school, and I'm even willing to move another where that I get an acceptation. I'm currently a sophomore and had all my hopes set on doing the 2+4 pre-pharmacy, which means I need to start applying now if there's a chance to get an acceptation. I have completed most of my prerequisites but won't be completing done until the end of summer 2013. That's not to say that I haven't faced many battles during undergrad and haven't performed up to par sometimes. I have two drops, both in science courses, and have failed two classes, general chem 1 and another pharmacy prerequisite. My current, overall GPA is 3.00 flat and my current, science GPA is 2.55. And I plan to take the PCAT in January. I am volunteering in the hospital pharmacy, and have been since high school, and plan to start doing research in the next month . I have also part of my school's pre-pharmacy society and national pharmacy student association. I am also on two dance teams and am caption of one of them. Be brutally honest plz! Do you think it's a good idea to apply to pharmacy schools for this cycle? I really, really want to but I don't want to waste time applying, getting letters of recommendation, and getting my hopes up just to be disappointed at the end. If I don't apply this year, then I will most likely complete my bachelor's degree by spring 2014, so there's always that option. Has anyone else ever been in this situation before and got accepted? I'm honestly rattling my brain because I don't know what to do! Any comments or suggestions would truly help me out! Thanks :)

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The schools I am applying to require that all prerequisites be completed before August 2013. If you're not finishing till the end of the summer then apply the following year. (one extra year is very short in the long-term)
thanks for replying :) would it help that im retaking both the classes i failed over this semester?
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If you apply this year most schools will require you to finish all prereqs by spring not summer. You will be more competitive with a bachelors as well as hopefully improve your gpa because most schools require a minimum of 2.75 to apply. And honestly to be competitive you need to bring that science/ math gpa up to at least a 3.0 and retake any classes you got less than a C in.
I've always thought that 2+4 is more competitive than completing your bachelor's first (feel free to correct me though). Your GPA isn't competitive unless you're able to raise it up. The problem is whether pharmacy schools look at the Fall GPA or they decide on inviting applicants without looking at them. If they make decisions without the Fall GPA, you won't have a chance of raising your GPA to be competitive this cycle.

Also, are you sure about doing research this semester? With the amount of load you have, it seems that you're having problems already. You might want to consider lightening your load. That's just a suggestion though. If you think you can manage it, by all means go for it. :)

Lastly, if you really want to apply this cycle, go for it. :) If you don't get in, know that you can still apply again. Next time, you'll have a stronger application because you have a bachelor's. If you get in, that's great! You'll start pharmacy school early. :)

By the way, aren't you late for the PCATs? Don't you need PCAT scores prior to the deadline of applications? I'm really not sure because I don't remember when I took the PCAT.