How do you spend your Friday and Saturday nights?

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Oct 22, 2013
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So far this semester has been quite the busy one for me and I have a lot of assignments due. I don't keep in touch with most of the pre-meds but at my university it seems that almost everyone else is doing everything but studying or schoolwork on a Friday or Saturday night. Most people seem to be partying and living the so called college experience while I am here doing homework. Sundays is when everyone gets back to work.

What are you guys doing on a Friday or Saturday night?

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Depends on the semester and the course load for me, I guess.

It's a lot easier for me to spend my Friday and Saturday nights and days with friends as long as I budget my time properly. However, last year when I took three labs and an elective at the same time as regular ECs, I definitely found myself squeezing any fun into my weekends and feeling guilty about it afterwards. I did try to give myself Thursdays and/or Fridays off every week, but sometimes it just wasn't possible. And, truthfully, even those small breaks had negative effects on my GPA. It's just something I needed to do to avoid getting too burnt out.
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So far this semester has been quite the busy one for me and I have a lot of assignments due. I don't keep in touch with most of the pre-meds but at my university it seems that almost everyone else is doing everything but studying or schoolwork on a Friday or Saturday night. Most people seem to be partying and living the so called college experience while I am here doing homework. Sundays is when everyone gets back to work.

What are you guys doing on a Friday or Saturday night?

Lol I never did homework on a Friday or Saturday night. Those were my breaks. I've taken 19 credits in a semester consisting entirely of upper level science courses. N=1 but even during finals, I never had *that* much homework/studying to do that I couldn't give myself 9pm and after to myself for a break on Friday and Saturday.
Some weekends may be busier than others, but I think it is still important to make time for yourself, otherwise it is too easy to burn out. Doesn't even have to be partying or whatever, taking breaks is definitely key for sanity.
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During the Fall it's all about college football for me. If there's no game at home that week, I usually spend Saturday watching college football on TV. Spring time varies, but I never study on F/Sat unless it's really needed.
I usually never study on weekends besides that.
Would prob be BPing right now at a FSU after party....
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Here I am on a Saturday night trying to get work done. Man this is not fun. What do you guys do when you have Monday morning tests though?
Some weekends may be busier than others, but I think it is still important to make time for yourself, otherwise it is too easy to burn out. Doesn't even have to be partying or whatever, taking breaks is definitely key for sanity.

Yup. I also recommend not wasting your undergrad years on SDN. Too many paranoid premeds. Go hangout with friends relax for a bit. Then hit the books again.
Freshman/Sophomore Years - Getting unreasonably drunk
Junior/Senior Years - Library -> Netflix
Graduated - MCAT
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I always try to go out on weekend nights, at the very least dinner and drinks with the gf if I need to be functional the next day and can't do bars.
You are not doing college properly if you're studying every Fri and Sat night. If you have huge tests early the next week, midterms, etc. that is more than understandable. The same was true for me leading up to the MCAT.

These will be the best and most fun years of your life. Spend the weekends socializing, hanging with friends, going to the bars, or whatever else floats your boat. If you don't have time for that, you should work on time management and reassess how you're setting up your schedule.
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Girlfriend, college football, gaming, working.
I usually never study on weekends besides that.
Would prob be BPing right now at a FSU after party....

I only do school work on Friday or Saturday nights if I have a big assignment or exam coming up shortly. But MCAT studying? No way. Especially this weekend if i was an FSU student...
I only do school work on Friday or Saturday nights if I have a big assignment or exam coming up shortly. But MCAT studying? No way. Especially this weekend if i was an FSU student...

FSU this year? 2004 Auburn says hello.
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Typically, I take Fridays to decongest the week by relaxing for a few hours, but also put in a couple of hours of hw like lab stuff. Saturdays I study/do hw in the morning until evening and go out/do stuff in the evening. Sunday is usually really chill, maybe only 3-4 hours of studying and relax the rest.
Sometimes I chill out with girlfriend or family--other times if I need to I bang out work. Don't worry about what other people are doing! Do whatever you need to do to get a high GPA i.e. 3.7+. I go to a big state school and a lot of the kids claiming they're pre-med have a GPA of around 3.0 …aka these kids aren't going to med school without a postbacc or serious work. And yes these kids will probably have more free time than you, but if you sacrificing your weekends for 4 years gets you into med school I think its hella worth it! Remember once you get into a US MD program you are essentially going to be an MD, retention rates are extraordinarily high. So you might not get the cushiest specialty w.e. but you will be a xxxx ING MD! lol so screw what others are doing, and just do what you need to do to get in! And of course there are kids that will be smarter than you; I encounter this at my school. I work hard for my grades while others put in substantially less time and do just as well as me. So its all subjective…just do what you need to do!
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FSU this year? 2004 Auburn says hello.

No respect I tell ya!

Hopefully Oregon loses against Stanford, Oregon state, or Arizona state/ucla(autocorrect changed this to uvula)
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Friday is when I show out. You guys don't know anything about that. :cool:
Gym + sports practice (4 hrs total, 6 w/traffic) or drinking/partying. Mostly the former.

Looking back shoulda done the latter more. =/
I usually never study on weekends besides that.
Would prob be BPing right now at a FSU after party....

Post up some FSU delta gamma pics and I will award you a galaxy of gold stars & positive karma on your posts.
at the moment, lots and lots of donkey kong returns. :lol:
Post up some FSU delta gamma pics and I will award you a galaxy of gold stars & positive karma on your posts.
I'm actually a UM fan, but I didn't wanna get javelined by any of the FSU people up there so I kept down low after we lost hahaaha
I'm actually a UM fan, but I didn't wanna get javelined by any of the FSU people up there so I kept down low after we lost hahaaha
I had a good amount of $$ on that game for the U.... I need to stop betting with my heart....
Sometimes I chill out with girlfriend or family--other times if I need to I bang out work. Don't worry about what other people are doing! Do whatever you need to do to get a high GPA i.e. 3.7+. I go to a big state school and a lot of the kids claiming they're pre-med have a GPA of around 3.0 …aka these kids aren't going to med school without a postbacc or serious work. And yes these kids will probably have more free time than you, but if you sacrificing your weekends for 4 years gets you into med school I think its hella worth it! Remember once you get into a US MD program you are essentially going to be an MD, retention rates are extraordinarily high. So you might not get the cushiest specialty w.e. but you will be a xxxx ING MD! lol so screw what others are doing, and just do what you need to do to get in! And of course there are kids that will be smarter than you; I encounter this at my school. I work hard for my grades while others put in substantially less time and do just as well as me. So its all subjective…just do what you need to do!
+1. Completely agree. Do what you got to do. Don't worry about other pre-meds or other friends or whatever. Do what you need to do to achieve your goals. Have some fun when possible though!
I made sure to save every Friday and Saturday night for me to go out and party with my friends. All four years. Except for when I was in season and signed a contract with my school saying that I wouldn't drink x hours before a game. But outside of when we had games, I basically went out every single Friday and Saturday night. And a lot of Mondays/Wednesdays/Thursdays.

If you can't do the things you want, you need to learn to manage your time better. I played a varsity sport, had multiple leadership positions around campus, got very good grades, and still had time to go out at least twice a week with friends because I made it a priority to spend my free time with friends (not procrastinating by searching and posting on forums...)
When I was a pre-med, I did the typical things any other college student would do. Lots of volunteering, in both the hospital and soup kitchen. Sadly the soup kitchen was so overrun with college students doing things that they were passionate about that I was left in the cold. :cry:

But you know, I just did the things I was passionate about of course! ;)
Friday night: something social (maybe drink 1x/month, and non-drinking social activity 3x/month)
Saturday daytime: study
Saturday night: something social, but more low-key than Friday.

Balance is key to doing well in college without burning out.
working, it's what I did as an undergrad it's what I do now. Can't wait to start med school and have free weekends for the first time in a long time... Umm I hope that doesn't sound crazy!
working, it's what I did as an undergrad it's what I do now. Can't wait to start med school and have free weekends for the first time in a long time... Umm I hope that doesn't sound crazy!

I feel ya. I enjoy working, but after doing school + will be nice to be able to focus on one.

But I have a feeling I will probably long for that release in the future.
I don't think I've studied on Friday/sat night more than a couple times during the past 4 years...Seriously, unless you're hardcore studying for the MCAT, taking 20+ units of science or working you shouldn't need to study on friday/sat night. Unless you're really bad at studying during the week.
Friday? Research. Saturday? Volunteering
dat pre-med life
This thread makes me sad. Getting into med school is an admirable life/career goal, but's college. Granted it's not in everyone's personality to be social but do something fun once in awhile. It's possible to get into med school having had a life/socialized and gone out in college while maintaining good grades and ECs. Have fun! It's fact it's highly enocouraged, your patients won't be able to relate to antisocial nerds who can only talk about science.
When I was in undergrad, I spent many weekends in either studying or just relaxing. Work hard now so you can live well doing what you love later rather than the other way around. BUT make sure to unwind every once in a while, maybe once a week or every other week.
Freshman and sophomore year I drank and went out a lot, though less so sophomore year. Nobody really threw parties in high school, so I was finally getting a taste of dat life. This year I've gotten kinda tired of going to big parties, so I prefer smaller gatherings mostly and a rager/the club only every once and a while. If I'm not doing that, I'm on Netflix or some other site unwinding, sometimes with friends. If you need to study every Friday and Saturday night to get decent grades, you're doing it wrong.
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I don't think I've studied on Friday/sat night more than a couple times during the past 4 years...Seriously, unless you're hardcore studying for the MCAT, taking 20+ units of science or working you shouldn't need to study on friday/sat night. Unless you're really bad at studying during the week.

or maybe, you know, we are just taking hard classes
I have no classes Friday, but I spend the majority of the morning and afternoon studying. When about 5 o'clock hits, I'm done for the night.

Usually, I don't even pick up a book Saturday. Thus far my schedule has been manageable, but I know I won't have as much leisure time in the future, so I'm enjoying it while I can - whether it's an outing with friends or simply a night of playing video games and catching a few extra winks of sleep.
I had a good amount of $$ on that game for the U.... I need to stop betting with my heart....
lol u dun goofed. I'm a bug UM fan but I wasn't gonna put any money down, FSU is the real deal this year.
We'll see em in the ACC bowl game though, We all know it's gonna be Oregon vs 'Bama
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I tend not to do work on Fridays and I like to sleep in on Saturdays. But I do spend my Saturdays at the library and ECs on Sundays
I'm usually working the 2-2 shift on Fri and Sat
or maybe, you know, we are just taking hard classes

It's also possible that TreadLightly is, you know, a more talented student :nailbiting:

Edit, although I miss the style of the art in the old expressions, some of these new ones are hilarious!
I don't have school on Friday so its pretty cool to just chill at my house or just hang out with a couple of my friends. Try to have fun, if you're not doing that your "college experience" will be horrible.
Relaxing... netflix, surfing the web, going to bed early (I'm a loser sometimes). I don't really drink or party because its just not my scene.