Mentioning religion in a diversity essay?

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May 20, 2020
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I don't want to come off as preachy or ignorant but is it okay to start off by saying that my faith (come from a minority religion) has guided me towards service. And then progress to discuss the unique service work I do? Just wondering the general opinion of mentioning religion in a very nonaggressive fashion

Edit: And if you were to think it is okay, would it still be okay to use for prompts from Jesuit schools (applying to a few of those)

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Such an answer would imply that your classmates are lacking in their spirituality.
mocking, belittling, and blaspheming the Faith of people is becoming a bit of a trend in our culture. Anti-religious bigotry truly is the last acceptable prejudice.

Think about the insults that are hurled at people who embrace religion. Or the way devout people are often lampooned in movies or on television. If a devout person is only depicted as an uneducated fool, it’s almost a relief. Half the time, they’re also violent, hate-filled bigots.

In academia they get gold stars on their woke foreheads for denigrating, mocking, belittling people of faith. If you want to impress anyone in an admissions committee, do not mention religion. Tell them you help build abortion centers, you burn the homes and businesses owned by whites and lead yoga classes at the local park while practicing 6 feet social distancing and wearing a mask made in Wuhan, autographed by Premier Xi Jinping

Religion is a no-no in academic cliques.

At least thats what I am told when we tell university people we attend church on Sundays and pray at home together as a family.

Get to know Pedro Arrupe, SJ when you apply to Loyola and Georgetown. Write about him in your essay. They will love you
Thanks for the replies. Did not want to insinuate anything about my classmates. More wanted to introduce my diversity essay with the “seed” of being part of this religion and that has led me to my service work and interest in learning of others’ backgrounds that differ from me. I for sure do not want anyone to get turned off by mentioning it. Seems like it is better to avoid the topic all together in that case then
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Seems like it is better to avoid the topic all together in that case then
Religion is an appropriate topic for a diversity essay. Medical schools seek this diversity as it can help increase the cultural competence and learning of each class. You are correct that your answer cannot come off as preachy or ignorant. The key (as with any topic) is to deliver your answer with tact and thoughtfulness. Have someone read over your essay before submitting. Just my thoughts.
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I mentioned religion in one of my secondary prompts (multiple schools, similar question). I described it in the context of my upbringing, and while there are many ways for a child to develop a sense of duty and perspective of the world, my religion was a factor in mine. I did not center the essay around my religion, but merely mentioned how religion laid the foundation for my way of thinking, which I built upon, shaped, and molded as I grew up and went through different challenges in life. Regardless, I always came back to these principles I gained from my religion and culture (oftentimes interconnected).

I was accepted to a school I sent this to. Though I also got rejected from a few others, both pre and post-interview. Of course, many factors could have played into this and I am certain this could be subject to luck of the draw. I'd take personal anecdotes on any forum with a grain of salt.
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1) I don't want to come off as preachy or ignorant but is it okay to start off by saying that my faith (come from a minority religion) has guided me towards service. And then progress to discuss the unique service work I do? Just wondering the general opinion of mentioning religion in a very nonaggressive fashion

2) Edit: And if you were to think it is okay, would it still be okay to use for prompts from Jesuit schools (applying to a few of those)
1) It's fine to mention religion.

2) Yes.
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I don't know what Arrupe's background is, but s/he is not being helpful; please do not take those comments seriously. If religion is an important part of your life or inspired you to service, it's okay to mention it, but certainly use a "light touch". You don't want to seem like you think you are better than your less-religious peers.
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It would be totally fine (and encouraged if your faith is so central to you) at the Jesuit schools. As a graduate of a Jesuit undergrad and med school, they really don’t seem to care what your faith is (or if you’re religious in the first place), rather that your life is guided by moral principles and service to others.

We had plenty of atheists/agnostics/non Christians. Maybe half my med school class was Christian/Catholic? That was largely from self-selection, as many of us specifically wanted to go to a Jesuit medical school. That, and the Jesuit med schools typically look favorably on students who went to a Jesuit university for undergrad.
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It would be totally fine (and encouraged if your faith is so central to you) at the Jesuit schools. As a graduate of a Jesuit undergrad and med school, they really don’t seem to care what your faith is (or if you’re religious in the first place), rather that your life is guided by moral principles and service to others.
That's my observation, as well.
I don't know what Arrupe's background is, but s/he is not being helpful; please do not take those comments seriously. If religion is an important part of your life or inspired you to service, it's okay to mention it, but certainly use a "light touch". You don't want to seem like you think you are better than your less-religious peers.
My point exactly
Thank you all for the responses. I think I will try to implement it at the beginning but focus on other components.