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Official Wish Everyone Luck Thread

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Best of Luck to everyone out there tomorrow. Soon no one will have to ever post in this forum again. Catch you all on the flipside. Tomorrow is the End of the Beginning.

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Good luck to everyone tomorrow! :luck: Soon you'll be out celebrating never having to crack open those MCAT books ever again! :D
Good Luck to all!!
Cant wait to get back my life after Saturday
lets all get the high scores we deserve!
yes good luck to everybody. and don't anybody think about backing out at the last minute or freaking out. :luck:
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Yeap, much good luck!

Though I'll definitely keep posting in here to help out the future MCATers...because I'll understand their situation! :D
werd up, Good luck folks. and if anyone is in the bay area and would like to eat sushi and drink sake, pm me, we are having a party at our restaurant!
I just wanna wish everyone luck tomorrow. I took the MCAT 4x, so I understand how you're feeling. Try your very best, and be proud of yourself no matter how you feel after the test. After I took my fourth MCAT, I felt so horrible I couldn't talk to anyone for a week. But guess what, I score a 33 overall on it. The lesson is, 99% of you will feel like crap after the test. But, I guarantee that 99% of you did better than you think.

I was in your position (took the aug 04 mcat) just months ago. Now, I am sitting on 4 medical school (MD) acceptances. Believe in yourself. As long as you are persistent, everyone of you will follow my path. :thumbup:
I am so proud of you all. I am not taking the MCAT until next April and I get sick to my stomach just thinking about it. I couldn't imagine being in your position today. Every one of you should be so proud that you have made it to this point in your lives.

Here Come the Docs... ;)

Good Luck All :luck:
Good Luck to everyone who'll be having the privilege of taking the test with me tomorrow (or sunday as the case may be). Because remember, it's a privilige, so make the most of it. That's what I keep telling myself.

:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
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sdnstud said:
I just wanna wish everyone luck tomorrow. I took the MCAT 4x, so I understand how you're feeling. Try your very best, and be proud of yourself no matter how you feel after the test. After I took my fourth MCAT, I felt so horrible I couldn't talk to anyone for a week. But guess what, I score a 33 overall on it. The lesson is, 99% of you will feel like crap after the test. But, I guarantee that 99% of you did better than you think.

I was in your position (took the aug 04 mcat) just months ago. Now, I am sitting on 4 medical school (MD) acceptances. Believe in yourself. As long as you are persistent, everyone of you will follow my path. :thumbup:

wow! that's really inspirational, thanks. I feel a lot better :D
I was feeling a lot of pressure to do really well, because this is my first time taking the test (officially), but I feel much better knowing I can retake it and it isn't the end of the world.

Anyway, good luck to everyone!! :luck: :luck: :luck:
Good luck guys and just remember to relax as much as you can tonight.
emma1980 said:
Good luck guys and just remember to relax as much as you can tonight.

Off for some golf!! Good luck all. Just remember to be like Fonzie - be cool, and the test will go smoothly.
Best of luck, compadres!! :luck: :luck: :luck:

We are going to rock the MCAT like it has never been rocked before!!!

I just can't wait to pop open the bottle of champagne I have waiting in the fridge for when this bad boy is over at last!!!!!
:thumbup: good luck to all taking the test tomorrow. from all of us MCAT vets we know how it is and we also know you'll make it through it! just focus, do well, and get ready to party after it's all said and done! :p
"This is it....don't get scared now" (Kevin from Home Alone)
I don't know about the lot of you, but I'm ready to break on thru to the other side of this evil beast named MCAT! Cheers and best of luck to us all!

:luck: :cool: :D
Good luck everyone! I wish you all the best. This is part of a process, like a right of passage, and as someone else said previously, it's a priviledge to take this test, and with such company.

I'll see you on the other side my friends.
GOOD LUCK ALL!!! remember, you know a LOT more than you think you do. just go in there and rock it. peace out :cool:
Good luck everyone! I was there one year ago. By this time tomorrow, the test will be over and this time next year you might be accepted into medical school.
No matter how hard it is, its worth it.
Go in their confident and calm, freaking out is the worst thing you can do. Work quickly but make sure you read everything. If you don't know, guess and come back if you have time. if you think you messed up a section don't dwell on it, it will only affect you for the other sections. Move on and do as well as you can. In most cases people do better than they think they did. All the best to you. :luck:
DreamBig said:
I'm not even going and I'm nervous.


Same. I'm not taking the MCAT tomorrow either, but i'm totally nervous. :laugh: A friend of mine is and he's been venting to me all day so i'm all riled up about a test i'm not even taking.

Good luck, everyone. :) Hopefully you are all asleep by now. As hard as it may be, stay positive and you'll do fine.
good luck!
yesterday, i tried going to sleep at 10:30 and wound up sleeping at 12:30, so today im gonna try to sleep around 11:30.
veridisquo said:
Same. I'm not taking the MCAT tomorrow either, but i'm totally nervous. :laugh: A friend of mine is and he's been venting to me all day so i'm all riled up about a test i'm not even taking.

Same here :) Every MCAT day, I think about that day of sweet, sweet pain one year ago when I sat for this beastly exam, and my heart goes out to my comrades in action. :laugh: But honestly, everyone feels like crap after the exam. My MCAT teacher told me that and I didn't believe her, but she was right - everyone feels like crap after the test. It's partly about having been doing a mental workout for 8 hours and the long long day, and partly because you've been building up to this day for SO long that the experience of actually sitting for the exam is a little overwhelming. But that doesn't mean you didn't do fine. Like my MCAT teacher, I went my home and cried and called my mother. She was like, "Why are you crying, did you do badly?" and I said, "I don't think I did badly, but it just feels so weird that it's over and I'm so tired..." I got a great score. So let yourself feel crappy if you need to. Take a nap, freshen up, find some friends and go out and get crunk.