RANT HERE thread

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You know those surgery scars I mentioned above? Yeah those would be from gallbladder surgery. I wasn't supposed to have any scars since it was laparoscopic but I scar super easily. I totally know how you feel. Bile reflux is worse than heartburn IMO. Good luck with your surgery. I hope you react better to the anesthesia than I did.

From what I gather from my advisor who had hers out you only get bile reflux when you eat something you're not supposed to? i.e. fried foods? She said she plans ahead and takes bile salts. They're pretty worried about my acid reflux though. I'm getting ulcers in my esophagus. I can't take the good meds for that because they cause anaphylaxis :(

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From what I gather from my advisor who had hers out you only get bile reflux when you eat something you're not supposed to? i.e. fried foods? She said she plans ahead and takes bile salts. They're pretty worried about my acid reflux though. I'm getting ulcers in my esophagus. I can't take the good meds for that because they cause anaphylaxis :(

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I was having nearly constant bile reflux because my gallbladder wasn't emptying. It was enlarged and starting to embed in my liver. It didn't matter what I ate. I was on a strict bland diet for like a month and it didn't help. I don't see how your gallbladder would cause your acid reflux.
I was having nearly constant bile reflux because my gallbladder wasn't emptying. It was enlarged and starting to embed in my liver. It didn't matter what I ate. I was on a strict bland diet for like a month and it didn't help. I don't see how your gallbladder would cause your acid reflux.

I used to be pretty heavy and ate a lot of fast food/unhealthy stuff. I drastically overhauled my eating habits without a transition period. That can throw the gallbladder out of whack pretty bad but I didn't know that at the time.

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I used to be pretty heavy and ate a lot of fast food/unhealthy stuff. I drastically overhauled my eating habits without a transition period. That can throw the gallbladder out of whack pretty bad but I didn't know that at the time.

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I guess there's nowhere for the acid to drain? I've gotten my second opinion today and they were both sure that's what I needed to have done.

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Isn't it fascinating how the human body works-or in our cases, doesn't work? I hope you surgery goes great and that your recovery is quick and uneventful! And if it makes you feel any better, I didn't have to change my diet in any way post-op. I am still able to eat McDonalds burgers if I want with no consequences. :D
Good Luck with your surgery Abney. I had the laproscopic surgery almost a year ago to have my appendix out. (That was after I had appendicits for 3 months, stopped eating and lost over 30 pounds). I have some small scars from it but nothing horrible or that I really care about. I almost had my gallbladder out at the same time because the surgeon was certain that my gallbladder and appendix were both causing problems, but it was only my appendix. Good Luck, I thought the laproscopic procedure was quite simple and I went home about 8 hours after surgery.
I had a yoghurt drink an hour ago and it must have been bad. I have terrible cramps and diarrhea. So much pain. :(
The trunk of my car is packed. Full. stuffed to the brim.

And I realized this morning that the key to the hitch is in the toolbox at the very back of the trunk :smack:
Thanks guys! I'm not feeling to terribly concerned about the surgery. I just want to feel comfortable at least some of the time LOL. And and Lis that's awesome! Maybe I'll be able to eat it better than I do now :laugh:

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There is this girl that I'm starting to really dislike. Her friend was supposed to get a German Shepherd puppy to raise as a guide dog, but ended up not getting it for the summer, which I didn't know. I only found out when I was talking about how I was offered to get a GS puppy this summer, but couldn't take it because I went to Germany. Ever since then, they both seem mad at me and always talk down on me, etc. Come on, it's not my fault I got the offer!

Well, I just heard that she got the animal caretaker job at the vet school that I really wanted for the summer! It seems she always gets all the cool jobs (like working for Cavalia!) I know this just sounds like jealousy (which I am a bit jealous to be honest), but I was really excited about a job opening there and now I'm just disappointed because I didn't get it. :(
The trunk of my car is packed. Full. stuffed to the brim.

And I realized this morning that the key to the hitch is in the toolbox at the very back of the trunk :smack:
That blows :laugh:
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I am miserable. My bf and I are breaking up tomorrow. Not because we are having problems but because we're both moving (me for vet school and him for his 4th year rotations). I told him when we met 2 years ago that I was planning on going to vet school abroad; if it was a problem, he would have to date someone else. He said his situation would be similar and it has worked ever since. Today, I am helping him pack/clean, spending one more night with him, and watching him drive away Thursday morning for Texas.
While I am so happy to be going to vet school in Scotland this summer, a little part of me wonders if I'll end up regretting it.
I am miserable. My bf and I are breaking up tomorrow. Not because we are having problems but because we're both moving (me for vet school and him for his 4th year rotations). I told him when we met 2 years ago that I was planning on going to vet school abroad; if it was a problem, he would have to date someone else. He said his situation would be similar and it has worked ever since. Today, I am helping him pack/clean, spending one more night with him, and watching him drive away Thursday morning for Texas.
While I am so happy to be going to vet school in Scotland this summer, a little part of me wonders if I'll end up regretting it.

Awww. I'm sorry. That totally sucks. I was in a sort of similar situation a few years ago when I dated a guy from England (Germany originally) while I was abroad. We broke up the day I got on the plane to come back to the states. Obviously, it was a little different since it was during undergrad and I didn't really have the choice of staying it still sucked and I had a really hard time with it. Horrible time with it actually. Pretty sure I was like super b**** first semester of my senior year. =/

And I kind of feel the opposite of you. Part of me is going to always wonder what could have happened between me and my ex if I went back to the UK cause he and I still talk and I think we both still have some unresolved feelings for each other. But now I'll probably never know unless he manages to come practice medicine in the US like he wants to. Try not to dwell on it too much because things tend to work themselves out (and this is coming from someone who HATES being told this), but if you end up needing to talk to someone, let me know.
I am miserable. My bf and I are breaking up tomorrow. Not because we are having problems but because we're both moving (me for vet school and him for his 4th year rotations). I told him when we met 2 years ago that I was planning on going to vet school abroad; if it was a problem, he would have to date someone else. He said his situation would be similar and it has worked ever since. Today, I am helping him pack/clean, spending one more night with him, and watching him drive away Thursday morning for Texas.
While I am so happy to be going to vet school in Scotland this summer, a little part of me wonders if I'll end up regretting it.

I'm so sorry BKT :( Its always so hard to say goodbye to the people we love. Hang in there. Don't worry about regret, just remember everything you've loved about your relationship and all the happy memories.

and if you believe in it, fate works in funny ways sometimes, so you never know :oops:
My bf of almost a year just told me that when he met me I was so happy and now Ip'm miserable and angry all the time. I think it is because I'm so miserable at work. He told me that I am making him miserable because we spend all our time together and I'm always grumpy. Makes me sad because I know I don't feel near as happy as I used to - and I should be the happiest ever because I'm going to vet school...
Makes me sad because I know I don't feel near as happy as I used to - and I should be the happiest ever because I'm going to vet school...

This. Exactly how I feel lately. Except it's not my job right now, it's my relationship itself and the distance. I just don't find the same happiness being thousands of miles apart and having it go nowhere :(
So sorry BKT. Leaving someone for reasons like this is even harder than bad breakups IMO. :(
I really hope everything that is meant to happen for you will and that you will be happy knowing you are both doing great things. At least you have a great distraction and a very bright future. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. :love:
Thank you for the support. :love:
Orca, it's true. Life does go on. I'm trying to look forward to all of the new experiences awaiting me in Scotland. :D
Katie, fate does have a funny way of working. I'll keep that in mind. :)
I think/hope you're right Emi, I will be very distracted. I think it will be easier to move forward because of this. Who knows? Maybe we'll end up toget5her anyhow. In the meantime, I am eating my feelings (ben&jerry's +caramel) and watching freaks and geeks with him. He's been very sweet about it all. He's even buying me a necklace so I have a little something to remember him by in Scotland. :love:
I'm sorry Jam. I used to have that issue too. It was a relief to leave my job for that reason, among others. As exciting as vet school is, it doesn't make everything instantly better (like a crap job). Are you going to stay together in vet school?

And thanks Abney. :)
My foster snake, usually mild tempered, just tried to take a chunk out of me, oi. Got a nice tiny half-circle of puncture wounds on my pointer finger now.
My foster snake, usually mild tempered, just tried to take a chunk out of me, oi. Got a nice tiny half-circle of puncture wounds on my pointer finger now.

I still have cramps from last night. :( I'm supposed to go to the vet clinic one last time today and really don't want to have to call in. But at moments, it's really hard to even stand. Or be awake. Ugh.
I am miserable. My bf and I are breaking up tomorrow. Not because we are having problems but because we're both moving (me for vet school and him for his 4th year rotations). I told him when we met 2 years ago that I was planning on going to vet school abroad; if it was a problem, he would have to date someone else. He said his situation would be similar and it has worked ever since. Today, I am helping him pack/clean, spending one more night with him, and watching him drive away Thursday morning for Texas.
While I am so happy to be going to vet school in Scotland this summer, a little part of me wonders if I'll end up regretting it.

Aw BKT...sounds a little bit like me and my ex.
Major hugs and thought to you today. And if you need some girls' nights in Scotland, you just let us SDNers know. Ben and Jerry's + alcohol to the rescue.
I am miserable. My bf and I are breaking up tomorrow. Not because we are having problems but because we're both moving (me for vet school and him for his 4th year rotations). I told him when we met 2 years ago that I was planning on going to vet school abroad; if it was a problem, he would have to date someone else. He said his situation would be similar and it has worked ever since. Today, I am helping him pack/clean, spending one more night with him, and watching him drive away Thursday morning for Texas.
While I am so happy to be going to vet school in Scotland this summer, a little part of me wonders if I'll end up regretting it.

I don't think you'll ever regret following your dreams.
If you and your BF are meat to be than you will be. My husband and I are HS sweethearts that dated until I was 22. Then we broke up and lived very far away from each other for 3 years, only keeping in touch a little. Eventually a business trip brought me to his part of the country and we rekindled everything in 4 days. A year later we were engaged and Saturday we celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary.:love:
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise: true love will prevail.
My foster snake, usually mild tempered, just tried to take a chunk out of me, oi. Got a nice tiny half-circle of puncture wounds on my pointer finger now.
Two words I never thought I'd see together- foster snake :laugh:
Worst sleep ever last night. I think I got a total of 3 hours of sleep and never actually stayed asleep longer than 30 minutes at a time. So tired and now I have to go work a 12 hour shift. :sleep:

I shall sleep much better tonight, I hope.
Aw boo no sleep.

And btw...I think I just come to the threads where you post because I can't avoid the sheer cuteness of your avatar.
I'm sorry Jam. I used to have that issue too. It was a relief to leave my job for that reason, among others. As exciting as vet school is, it doesn't make everything instantly better (like a crap job). Are you going to stay together in vet school?

And thanks Abney. :)

The plan is to stay together, if I don't drive him away. We just got a house together and this puppy is "ours."
I don't think you'll ever regret following your dreams.
If you and your BF are meat to be than you will be. My husband and I are HS sweethearts that dated until I was 22. Then we broke up and lived very far away from each other for 3 years, only keeping in touch a little. Eventually a business trip brought me to his part of the country and we rekindled everything in 4 days. A year later we were engaged and Saturday we celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary.:love:
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise: true love will prevail.
Thank you for sharing! It really made me smile. I am so happy it all worked out for you and your hubby! Hopefully I'll be as lucky. :love:
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How are you feeling today BKT? :(
Are you... ok? :lame:
How are you feeling today BKT? :(
Are you... ok? :lame:
I'm ok right now. He's asleep right now (he's sooo tired) so I'm just fiddlin on SDN while he sleeps. I might get an extra night with him at this rate! :D
Thanks for asking, Emi. :love:
I'm staying in the basement when I stay at my dad's house. I've already had to kill two small spiders in my room there, although I am TERRIFIED of spiders. Well, everyone is asleep and on the way down, there was a HUGE spider (huge in my eyes) on the stairs. :scared: I was sitting upstairs, contemplating whether or not I should wake up my dad to take care of it. Knowing him, he'd probably chase me around the house three times with it first, so I decided against it. Had to use a really long broom to get rid of it. Still makes me shudder. I really don't like spiders. And I don't like how many are here of them. I refuse to sleep in this room next time I'm visiting! :scared:
So I decided a while back that I was going to apply for this scholarship for women in my county pursuing any form of graduate studies. I have ZERO motivation to write the essay, which is horrible because I can basically just tweak my PS from my vet school apps. I have to post mark it by the 29th, but it's going to a building in my town, so I could literally just drop it off. And I can't back out because I already have all of my LOR from people... I need motivation!!!
So I decided a while back that I was going to apply for this scholarship for women in my county pursuing any form of graduate studies. I have ZERO motivation to write the essay, which is horrible because I can basically just tweak my PS from my vet school apps. I have to post mark it by the 29th, but it's going to a building in my town, so I could literally just drop it off. And I can't back out because I already have all of my LOR from people... I need motivation!!!

Go, go, go! You can do it!:woot:

Seriously, just get it done. A scholarship would definitely be a huge help, yeah?
So I decided a while back that I was going to apply for this scholarship for women in my county pursuing any form of graduate studies. I have ZERO motivation to write the essay, which is horrible because I can basically just tweak my PS from my vet school apps. I have to post mark it by the 29th, but it's going to a building in my town, so I could literally just drop it off. And I can't back out because I already have all of my LOR from people... I need motivation!!!
Woooo!! You can do it!!! Vet school is expensive and this is potentially free money!!!
It's not worth a whole lot, only $2,000 and it sounds like you can only be awarded it once. :(
But yes, every little bit counts.
$2000 is a huge amount. $2000 could make a huge difference in my life write now. Go write that essay!.
Haha, I guess you guys are right. I was kind of looking at in comparison to the grand scheme of things, but that money can definitely get me a few things. I shall attempt to focus on my essay. I think coffee is needed but I want to actually be able to sleep tonight.

I think you should put "able to quickly locate humorous but relevant images" on your resume. :laugh:

Edit: Ah what the ****, snake just struck at me again while giving him water. This is the snake that I've had my five year old brother hold at least a half-dozen times and is usually chill as can be. Really weirded out.
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I think you should put "able to quickly locate humorous but relevant images" on your resume. :laugh:

:thumbup:I totally agree! It's a valuable and awesome skill Dsmoody. Particularly loved the Super Troopers picture in another thread, meow.
i quit my vet job yesterday, couldn't stand working with rude ass bitches any longer. period. is it like this at every vet hospital and in the veterinary field? jeez louise. save me.